TIC because I finally finished my master’s w/ a 4.0

@yoly Way to go!!! That's impressive! I felt like I could barely get through my few undergrad classes during my 1st trimester. So glad to be on break. Man, as if school and being pregnant aren't hard enough on their own lol.
@yoly Congrats!! I just completed my masters with a 4.0 as well, it was definitely a little distracting to find out I was pregnant in the last few weeks so props to you for getting it done so far along!
@yoly You go girl!! I’m currently a postdoc and can’t imagine doing grad school during a pandemic, and especially not while also pregnant! That baby’s gonna have an awesome role model :)
@yoly Congratulations! I can't imagine how wonderful that must feel! First working hard award I've ever given as I didn't even know they had one when I was looking. But now after I gave it I see that it says "looking like you're working is hard work" and I'm so sorry for that lol jeez I'm an idiot my brain is not right nowadays. That's clearly very hard work and I can barely get off the couch with how miserable I have been with this pregnancy and now fractured hip so I admire you tremendously.
@auburnfire You can do anything to finish shit up before the baby comes when you put your mind to it. 😂 That was my motivation. I didn’t want a baby and classes.
@yoly Congrats! My baby is due in Feb and I just submitted my last assignment for my Masters too! Feels amazing to be done right before baby comes!!