Thoughts on Elijah Leviticus K.?


New member
Too biblical? We are catholic but not go-to-church-every-sunday Catholic. And his cousin’s Levi, but thought of Leviticus years before he was named. As well as your thoughts, other L middle names please! Similar to Luke, Lucas and Leviticus? Saying this in advance because I know it’ll happen, the ELK initials are purposeful, we strictly don’t need opinions about those. Thanks.
@kyachu Wow! Now that’s a name! If you love it, use it! I think if you’re going to go that big, you’ve got to stick with Leviticus for a middle name but other L middle names could be Lazarus or Luther.
@kyachu Do you specifically like the book of Leviticus, or is it about the sound of the name? As a practicing Christian, it wouldn't be my first choice... Not to get into a theological debate, but there's lots of messed up things in Leviticus. One that sticks out to me is Leviticus 21:16-21, which says that people with disabilities aren't worthy to come to holy spaces to make offerings to God. There's also lots of homophobia, misogyny, and just kind of ridiculous rules like not wearing 2 different types of fabric at the same time... The historical context is really important for understanding this book, but still it's not a book of the Bible that many people think of positively. Luke would be a much better choice IMO (for example, Luke 6:37: "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven."), but of course that depends on your theology. Just want to say I would consider thoughtfully which Biblical name you use. Elijah is a very cute name!
@kyachu Elijah is great, and I don't think ELK is problematic, but Leviticus is VERY biblical, especially when combined with Elijah. There are plenty of other great L names. I actually think Elijah Lucas sounds really nice.
@kyachu Elijah Leighton

Elijah Layne

Elijah Louis

Elijah Lucien

Elijah Locke

Elijah Laurence

Elijah Lovett/Lovell

Elijah Levant

Elijah Liem

Elijah Lorren

Love this ^ very different. You help me so much so i had to throw a couple names back your way 😚
@kayc These are all wonderful! It’s funny because I’ve always liked the name Layne- spelt exactly like that! Levant, Loren and Louis are super cute, we’ll tell you what we name him when we do in due time :)