@1stjohn0666 We do a lot of long weekend trips over holiday weekends, like Labor Day or MLK Day. We'll do a short road trip or camping or something similar. Sometimes we visit friends or extended family on these trips.
We do one "visiting family" trip per year for about a week. For awhile, that was visiting my parents, and we lived in the same city as my husband's family. We moved, and now we live in the same city as my family, so we travel to visit my husband's family.
We sometimes do a week of just the three of us, usually in the summer.
I really wished we lived in a country with more mandatory paid time off. I'm never not jealous of my friend who lives in Germany with her 3 weeks every August in a beach house in Greece, plus a week at Christmas, a week at Easter, and another week for whatever. And unlimited sick time.