Those who are in an office full time (let’s say 8-5), what’s the rest of your day look like?


New member
I go into the office Monday-Wednesday from 8-5 (but really, everyone strolls in between 8:15 and 8:30), and then I work from home on Thursdays and Fridays. Starting July, I will most likely have to go in office every day. I’m pretty upset at this to be honest but I don’t have any choice in the matter.

When I do go in M-W, I leave my house at 7:30 and get home between 5:45-6. On Thursdays and Fridays now I get to take my kids to daycare at 8 and pick them up at 5 (because we live 1 minute from their daycare). I’m bummed because I feel like I’ll get to see them even less if starting in July, everyday I see them for 15 mins in the morning and like an hour and a half at night.

For those who work a typical 8-5 everyday, how do you best maximize your time? Do you wake up really early to have time for yourself, or do some chores? How much time do you spend with your kids in the morning?

Only good thing for me is there is a gym on our floor, so it’ll be easier for me to go during my lunch breaks on M, W and F. But I’m just not sure how I’m going to manage packing my lunch, doing chores, spending time with my husband and kids, etc. in such a short amount of time in the day.
  • 6:45 - 7:00 - various alarms going off
  • 7:15 - 7:30 - actually get up and shower (husband gets kiddo out of bed)
  • 7:30 - 7:45 - pack kiddo lunch, get kiddo dressed
  • 7:45 - 8:05 - walk to daycare and drop-off
  • 8:05 - 8:30 - walk to office from daycare
  • 8:30 - 5:30 - work
  • 5:30 - 6:00 - walk home (husband does pickup)
  • 6:00 - 6:30 - make dinner
  • 6:30 - 8:30 - some combination of eating, watching Bluey, taking a bath, attempting to put our son to bed, giving him more food because apparently now he wants to it, reading a book, wanting to watch Bluey, crying in his crib, back to wanting more Bluey, finally reading to him, him passing out
  • 8:30 - 9:30 - watch tv, nighttime activities
  • 9:30 - ? - attempt to fall asleep but end up on my phone
@pastorjeremiah I work really close to home, just under 4 miles (7-10 min drive). My daughter has to be in school by 8:05-8:15 (her school is less than a mile, we could walk her there), my husband does drop off. My son's daycare is close to my office (under a mile) so I drop him off btwn 745-8 and I am at my desk by 8:05. I leave my house btwn 730-740am. I wake both of them up at 630-640, and I have an hour with them in the morning. I get up at 530am and take less than 30 mins to get ready, head downstairs and I will make coffee, empty the dishwasher, get their backpacks ready, put a load of wash in if its wash day (or I will do this when I come home for lunch). I get home about 515-520 everyday. Kids go to bed btwn 8-830pm (they are 8 and 4)

I wake up earlier bc its the only time where I get quiet. No questions. I use that time to tidy up so I can keep up with the housework.
@pastorjeremiah I work in office Monday through Thursday from roughly 9 to 4:30. Fridays I work from home.

Up at 6:30. Get ready, feed animals, respond to emails, and wake up the baby. I drop him off at daycare around 8:15. My commute is 30-45 minutes depending on traffic. I usually eat lunch at my desk. I leave the office at 4:30. Commute home is 45-55 minutes. Usually I’m rolling into the daycare parking lot at 5:30. We get home by 5:45. I start dinner. Feed my son. We do bath time and then play for a while. He normally goes down for the night around 8:30. Then I do dishes/take a shower/work on my homework/check emails. I normally go to bed between 10:30-11.

If I’m lucky my in laws will pick my son up from daycare once a week and keep him until my husband gets off work at 8pm. I usually use those few free hours to catch up on housework or school so that I can spend more time with my son on the weekend.
@pastorjeremiah 6:15ish Wake up, stay in bed. Son usually wakes up 615-645ish and comes into our room
645 - make breakfast and pack lunches while son plays
715 eat breakfast together
740 shower, everyone gets dressed and ready, pack sons bag
810 out the door. I walk son to before school care
830 drop off at before school care. I walk to work
850 arrive at work
530 leave work, walk home (hubby picks up son at 430 or 445ish, he then watches tv while hubby does some more work)
545 make dinner
615 eat dinner together
645 homework with son
715 bath time
730 son’s bedtime
I either do more work, watch tv or scroll my phone after son is in bed. Usually got to sleep around 10
@pastorjeremiah I wake up about 30 minutes before my 1 year old to watch the news, prep daycare bag, and do a little tidying (or else the dogs will destroy any toys left out lol).

Afternoons, I only get 1.5-2 hours with my kid before he is ready for bed, so we eat supper and play in the living room.

Once he goes to bed at 6:30, I clean up the kitchen, wash dishes, relax, then I am ready for bed lol

I save cleaning/chores for the weekend. It can wait. Precious time with my son can't.
@pastorjeremiah Mom of an 8yo, here's our schedule when I'm in the office:
  • 6:15 - roll myself out of bed, change, skincare
  • 6:30 - get kiddo out of bed, changed, breakfast, ADHD meds
  • 7:00- husband takes kid to bus stop (he's full time WFH), I drive to work
  • 7:40ish - arrive at work
  • Lunch break - sneak in a quick run or weight session if I can in the office gym
  • 4:30 - leave (that's when our workday officially ends)
  • 5:10ish - pick kid up from afterschool program
  • 5:30 - dinner (husband cooks, his day wraps up at 4)
  • After this: chill time for everybody. Might go to the gym or ride the spin bike at home, read, video games, etc.
  • 7:45ish - kid into the bathtub
  • 8:30 - kiddo toothbrushing, vitamins, mommy cuddles
  • 9:00 - mom shower, if I didn't do it post-workout. Bonus time with husband
  • 9:45ish - bedtime
@pastorjeremiah I wake up an hour before my daughter’s hatch light changes to yellow (okay to wake). I shower, care for the dogs, prep up for work. Typically she wakes 30 minutes before I leave, though some days she sleeps in. My parents watch her, so when they arrive I leave. When we get in the door after work, we wash up and make dinner together. Then we eat together, feed & walk our dogs, bath, a little time to play or watch tv, and then go to bed. My saving grace in this mix is my dishwasher and my robot vacuum.
@pastorjeremiah So I typically leave the house at 8 and do drop off, in the office 830/845. And then I'm home around 5/530. My husband does pick up. My commute is only about 20 minutes.

I wake up between 6/630 and pray I have woken before my child. Jump in shower, get myself ready. My husband will wake up with our kid, if I'm in the shower, but goes back to bed till 730. After shower we do breakfast together and get dressed, leave for daycare/work. By the time I get home my kid is eating or we're about to eat dinner, we normally eat altogether. Hang out till 7. Bath or video games till 730. I do bath, husband does video games (with the kid). My husband does bedtime from 730 till late (he can take till 9 to get down).

We normally get at least 1-2hrs in the morning (today he woke at 430am, we got 3.5hrs in the morning together) and then 2 to 2.5hrs together in the evening. Daycare provides food, so no lunches to pack. I buy a lunch at work everyday, and dinner I cook maybe once a week, my husband once a week, my MIL once a week and take out and leftovers the rest of the time?
@pastorjeremiah Unfortunately, I don't wake up really early to have time for myself, and I don't have meaningful time with my baby in the morning. We have a bit of time to play in the evenings, and I usually have up to an hour to relax after that. Wake 5-6, leave and drive baby to daycare around 6:45-7:15. I pick her up by 5:15.
@pastorjeremiah 6:10 alarm, shower

6:45 wake up toddler, diaper change, tooth brushing, playtime/book time

7:15 finish getting myself ready

7:30 go downstairs, feed toddler simple breakfast, start kettle for my tea

7:50 dress toddler, pack up bag(s) and my on the go breakfast

8:15 head to car for work and daycare drop off

Work til 5, commute home. Husband pick up toddler before I arrive home at 5:45ish

6pm toddler bath and husband starts dinner

7 or so dinner, we go upstairs straight after for books and puzzles until bed

8:30 start bedtime routine, and stay with toddler until he falls asleep

9-10 somewhere in here toddler falls asleep, I go downstairs to hang with husband

10-11 I go to bed