This subreddit needs a wiki

@alh 100% this. I meal prep on Sunday afternoons because there is no way I'm cooking after work. The first thing my toddler says when she gets home from daycare at 5 is "mommy, I want food." (Even after the car snack)
@jennifer_savannah Also, waitlists. We were the first in our families generation and friend group to have a baby. We politely tell all expecting parents at an appropriate time (not at a pregnancy announcement etc) to look for daycare spots ASAP. All of them scoff at us like we're nosey know-it-alls. Almost all have them have been screwed because they didn't take our advice.
@acult Yes! We told daycare before we told my in-laws! But so far I've been one of the only ones in my group of friends who was able to return to work after my maternity leave with daycare set up. One of my friends needed to extend her leave without pay and most ended up in daycares they didn't love while waiting to get off the wait-list of the one they like!
@acult This happened to us because the friends who told us to do that are super type A (eg they got a tutor for their preschooler so that they could get into the “right” kindergarten) so we didn’t take them seriously. We ended up licking out into an awesome place BUT it is very, very expensive (like when others complain about costs they often aren’t even paying half of what we pay - but I’m in a very HCOL location so we aren’t even the most expensive!)
@jsj123 You should be able to goto file "make a copy" and it will make a copy in your own google drive - I have that permission turned on
@duke845 Add 7)A Forget about it, you cannot take care of children full time while working from home full time . Doing it on days they are sick is already a lot. Most of us that had to do it during covid do not miss it AT ALL.

B) can my in-laws/grandparents/the dog take care of my babies? They say they will do it for free. Sure, they can, but they are not professional caregivers and there is no such thing as a free luncb.
@andujartyler I always want to ask people how they would feel if they hired a nanny and found out the nanny was doing a full time WFH job while watching their kid. They would absolutely flip out. But lots of people still think it’s okay to do it to their own child.
@duke845 Honestly, the sub that really needs a Wiki more than this one is r/pregnant.

Every second fucking day there is a new post where someone makes the startling discovery that FTM mean First Time Mum and not Female to Male.

Edit: changed the sub name to the correct one.
@pheadablessed That sub is a hot mess. The mods really hate baby bumps and I think you're not allowed to tag other subs at all or it might just be baby subs. At one point one of the mods was trying to make private groups for due date months, like how baby bumps does. That didn't go well. One mod. Trying to let in thousands of users into subs based on a Google doc they filled out or comments they made on the post. A lot of people were pissed they didn't get in on time or at all. But you can't tag the baby bumps sub to let them know the better sub already had a better system for such groups up and going.

I digress. Use baby bumps over pregnant and beyond the bump or toddlers for the rest.