The new Philips avent nipples are terrible

@melody5697 Oh my gosh, you have solved a mystery for us! We got size 3 nipples with their glass bottles and tried them one day — and nothing was coming out! The size 1s we had were so much faster.

Would love to find the old version since we want to size up to size 2 now!
@melody5697 Wow yes. I had a couple of old style bottles with size 1s and after trying 3 other bottles (mam, Dr Brown's, comotomo), avent worked best. I have since tried new style size 1s, 2s, and 3s and none of them worked and baby could not drink from them. I finally went on ebay and ordered a bunch of individually wrapped old style bottles that have the right size 1 nipples.
@melody5697 Thankfully a friend warned me about the change! Avent has a 30 day return policy if not happy with product. It's so annoying they changed the product & did not advertise this. I asked registry person at buy buy baby if they were aware of change and they said no
@melody5697 They are AWFUL. I had 2 old version size 3’s and went to pick up more from target, not thinking anything of it. Tried them out with my son and it was taking him forever to take 1-2 ounces. Realized the nipples looked different from the other size 3’s I had and have been on a manhunt to find the older ones. I got lucky at my local Shop Rite, if you live in the northeast! I also started stocking up on size 4’s from there too!
@melody5697 I guess I’m late to the game…I had my baby 2 weeks ago and am also pissed at learning that the old style Avent Natural nipples are gone. I was hoping to combo feed again and Avent Natural worked really well for my first baby. I’ve searched eBay and I draw the line at paying $25 for the old nipples…I might as well just buy new bottles at that point! Anyone know of any good compatible nipples that are similar to the old Natural nipples?
@melody5697 Thanks for the recommendation - flow 4 works! It’s still a bit slow but I also have flow 5 to try. I have to wonder how on earth babies are able to drink from the newborn flow.
@melody5697 I guess I’ll have to - I’ve checked like 5 stores (2 Targets and 3 Walmarts) and it’s like slow flow of any nipple doesn’t even exist! 😩 Thank you for the recommendation. I considered trying the 4 or 5 but hadn’t yet because Avent has really lost my trust in the last 2 days.
@melody5697 My 4 month old baby has been using the size 1 and 2 old nipple just fine, I got size 2 and 3 in the new style and he can barely get down 3 oz of a 6 oz bottle, which he normally finishes in 10-15 min. I tried sucking on them and it was nearly impossible for me to get water out, so I'm sure he's struggling. At this point I'm probably going to have to switch bottles since I only have one old style size 2. Super disappointed considering how much money I've spent on their bottles and nipples.
@melody5697 We went from size 1 (old) to size 4 (new) around 14 weeks. My baby had similar issues drinking using the new size 2 and 3 nipples where he's fall asleep or take double to triple the time to drink a bottle.
@melody5697 Thanks for the heads up. Pregnant with baby #2 and planned to use baby #1's old bottles and just buy new nipples. Didn't know there Philips came out with new version nipples.
@melody5697 Wow we've had the opposite experience! (using the new avent natural nips) We bought the new ones because we needed some new nipples and once we tried those baby straight up refused to use the old ones! Like full on screaming until we popped in a new style one

We did have a manufacturing with one pack where they hadn't put the holes in the nipple but all the other ones were great.
@melody5697 We had the same issue. Our 2.5 week old will only drink from the old version of the size 1 nipples. We tried to order additional ones on prime (we only had 4!) with no success. Finally, we bought a bunch gently used from a mom in the neighborhood and sterilized them. If you search marketplace for Avent bottles you may be able to find someone offloading the older bottles, including nips - they say “AVENT” not “Phillips Avent”… I spent way too long in this rabbit role. :)