The implant has ruined my mental state and my physical body

I got put on the implant immediately after I had an abortion and I haven’t had one day in the whole 8 months I’ve been on it were I haven’t bled. I had a blood test taken yesterday I have to wait a week for the results but I’ve bleed everyday for 9 months. My skin is pale, my nails are white and im so weak and tired from it. My doctors suspect severe anemia just from monitoring me and looking at my appearance. But apparently bleeding profusely for months is dangerous I wasn’t spotting blood either it was so heavy everyday. It’s so hard not to pass out. Usually the waiting list is 2 months to get it taken out but the doctor has booked me in for next week. As it’s also destroyed my mental state it’s caused severe panic attacks that I’d never experienced before it’s made my depression worse and has made my bipolar 10x worse. I’d rather never have sex again than pump my body full of hormones that make you bleed profusely. I can’t take the pill due to blood clot risk and heart problems and I have Crohn’s disease so it’s ineffective.

My heart goes out to all women who can handle birth control because I can’t and I don’t want to get pregnant :( doing this to my body isn’t worth any pleasure. All birth control has caused me bleeding issues.
@monstersvsmartyrs Unfortunately birth control is a trial and error. For me, I was the depo for almost two years and about a year in, I bled constantly. I switched to the ring but that was just inconvenient for me. I went on the pill and felt like I turned crazy and lost all my sex drive. I am currently using a Mirena IUD and it has been the best choice I’ve made regarding my sexual health. No period. I don’t feel crazy or overly emotional. My sex drive returned.

Birth control can be such a pain, but if you’re dead set on preventing pregnancy, it’s worth trying different forms because they aren’t all the same. There is always the copper IUD, which is nonhormonal
@kernelpanic Copper coils aren’t recommended in my clinic due to new research. They don’t do them they only do “mireana” coils ive definitely spelt that wrong. I really want my tubes tied I have two wonderful children and they are enough. I’m only 20 though so they won’t do it lol
@fleurieu i have been told theyre not recommended for people suffering from low iron, just due to the fact that they can often cause heavier periods. not sure if this is what OP is talking about thought.
@david42 They’ve been publishing about anemia risk related to the copper IUD since the 70s, so I assumed OP was referring to something else? But no idea, really. There was a study published last year in Nature Communications that found the copper IUD may have a negative effect on vaginal microbiota, but it’d be odd for a clinic to completely stop recommending such an effective and affordable contraceptive option based off of one study…
@monstersvsmartyrs Not to undermine your clinic’s knowledge, but you should always stick up for yourself and what is best for you. One doctor’s opinion shouldn’t decide what is best for you, especially if you don’t agree with them. You should find a doctor that listens to you and allows you to have control over your sexual health. I know that might not be the easiest option, but it is worth fighting for yourself and making sure you’re being taken care of
@kernelpanic I genuinely have become single over all this I don’t want to live a life like this sex isn’t worth all this to me. So im trusting my gut. The copper coil still has its own symptoms plus I’ve looked at the risks and they are high. I’m not putting anything else into my body after this is taken out.
@monstersvsmartyrs This was me on the depo shot. I went to the Emergency Department earlier this year after my GP ordered a blood test and found my haemoglobin to be extremely low alongside my iron. I had to get two bags of blood for blood transfusions and one iron infusion. They also found a polyp in my uterus and did a polypectomy. I am meant to go back again for a checkup next week and get the mirena in place. My doctor said the mirena will be better as it will affect least make me bleed less so im keeping my fingers crossed it works out
@monstersvsmartyrs AH SAME! I just got my implant out yesterday. I was bleeding for a solid 8 months before I finally stopped hoping for it to come to an end and just give up. I'm so glad I did. Every single hormonal BC I use just doesn't work for me. I have depression and sleep issues, which hormonal BC makes worse. I gained like 15 lbs and got acne, too. The cramps may be lighter but they're way more constant. I am sitting here now that it's out just counting the seconds until the side effects go away. I am supposed to get a copper IUD in a couple months which I'm now rethinking because I have used an IUD in the past that came with it's own set of issues. It feels like there's no way to just have safe sex and not get pregnant. Soooo frustrating and scary.