3 y/o son's cancer has grown back. Don't know how to cope

@shadows_and_sparks Just wanted to say how sorry I am for you and your family going through this. I wish you all the strength and love in the world as you face into this.
Take care of yourself.
All the best.
@shadows_and_sparks Omg I can't even imagine what you are going through! Stay strong! I don't even know what to say. There are no words in any known language to express how sad and devastated we all feel for you!
@shadows_and_sparks I am so sorry this is happening to you and your family. I can't even fathom the emotions you must be going through. I got no advice. But I will keep you and your son in my thoughts and hope and pray that your little one makes a complete recovery.
@shadows_and_sparks I’m sorry to read this, OP. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

I’ll also offer something that helped me face some emotions I had been holding inside after losing a close family member to cancer. I played a video game called “That Dragon Cancer.” I heard about it from a podcast. It was made by a dad who’s child was diagnosed with cancer. Most (maybe all?) of the audio in the game is of the actual family, and it follows their journey of discovering the cancer, treating it, having it come back, and everything to follow that. For me, one of the most emotional moments was when you just walk around an empty hospital reading cards on walls, doorways, tables, and shelves. They all were short tributes to people who had fought or were fighting cancer. The game isn’t exactly hopeful, but as they say, “pain shared is pain divided.”
@shadows_and_sparks Ah man, now I’m sick to my stomach for you. I wish I had advice but I can’t even fathom what you are going through. But I will most definitely be sending prayers/good vibes your way.
@shadows_and_sparks I am genuinely very sorry for you. This is, to put it mildly, a very rough spot to be in.

I'm gonna say something now that you're not going to want to think about, but if you take action it will ease the process in the future when and if the worst comes to pass: plan for the funeral. Set up a pre-need account with a local funeral home and have all the affairs in order. Maintain the hope that you won't actually need the service for a very long time, but get it off your plate now because it's the last thing you're going to want to do in the moment. Any good director will be sensitive to your needs and will help you navigate the process.

I have nothing but sympathy for you and your family, hold your loved ones tightly.