3 y/o son's cancer has grown back. Don't know how to cope

@shadows_and_sparks Ah man that sucks. My boy just got out of treatment for neuroblastoma. It was pretty scary for a bit. Just make lots and lots of great memories with him and his brother. You’re in my thoughts brother!
@shadows_and_sparks I don’t know. I don’t know at all.

But all I can think about is time. You have some time left, how are you going to spend it? I know what I’d want to do with my kid, not that I’d know how to afford it. But we’d be silly all the time.
@shadows_and_sparks I am so sorry to hear this. I just burst into tears, thinking of how I’d feel. I also have a three year old son.

You and your wife can’t deal with this alone. Seek professional help, if for no other reason than to (hopefully) find a way to cope.

I suppose all you can really do is support each other and soak up every possible moment with your son. Make memories and take lots of pictures. Cherish the time left. Also remember to express your emotions, cry and then cry some more.

Much love to you and your family.
@shadows_and_sparks This brings tears to my eyes and I am so sorry. Sending you strength and love. Whatever happens, give yourself grace. You're going through the hardest possible thing a human and family can go through.
@shadows_and_sparks My niece died 2 weeks before her first birthday from cancer. Ill never forget the day Jan 23, 2009 it was a Friday just after noon when I got the text, I couldn't speak I just walked into my bosses office showed her the text and left trying not to break down. I'm 40 now with a 2yr old child of my own and I still think about my niece everyday. I have no advice OP but my heart breaks for you having to go through this and I hope against all hope that your Son will pull through.
@shadows_and_sparks Brother. I cannot begin to put into words how sorry I am for you and your wife. Especially your perfect child. Not every one is going to be here for the long haul. Some, not long at all. But time is relative and you should find some solace in knowing that your son is living every second, un-jaded by the cruel hands of time. Spend every single second with him that you can. Throw everything out the window that is normally recommended. Let him sleep in bed with you and your wife. If he wants to stay up and have fun with you, let him stay up. Record everything. Takes millions of photos. And just make every second count. I’m crying while writing this. I have a 15 month old son and my greatest fear is him getting sick. You’re stronger than me man. I wish your son, you, and your wife all the best. You’re a rockstar dad and you are all lucky to have each other. For however long they may be. Much love to you.
@shadows_and_sparks Not sure what advice we can give unless someone here has been in the same situation. The only thing I can think of is to put aside your suffering and focus on the present to make his time as happy and meaningful as it can be.
@shadows_and_sparks I’m really sorry to read this, I have no advice. My oldest is almost 4 and I know i’d be devestated. I hope you guys are able to get into some top notch treatment for both physical and mental health.
@shadows_and_sparks No advice, only the deepest, warmest compassion and love. I hope and pray to whichever cosmic powers are out there that you get the best outcome, but I also hope and pray for consolation in case of the worst.