Partner has 2 girls (3&5). Excited to become involved, but 0 experience w kids. Are there any resources that could remotely prepare me for this??

@christina93 Let dad and mom set the tone with parenting. Follow the rules they set for the children. Dont demand group texts. Trust your partner to be a good parent.

Ask the kids what they like to do. Kids those ages are pretty simple to please.
@christina93 Just get to know them- but remember that they're impressionable.

If they need to do something, their dad might know best what they're allowed and not allowed at their age, and how to help them. (ie 3 yo not allowed to use a table knife)
@christina93 My partner came into my son and my life when my son was just 3years old and my son is 9 now. Similar situation with my ex we are still do this date great friends and we coparent.
The best things my partner did was :
1.Became my son’s best friend, he felt like David (my partner) was his friend more than he was mine.
2. My partner stayed out of my ex and my disagreements or arguments and in general left the big stuff us to my ex and I eg what school he needed to go to etc.
3. Years later we created a messenger group with me and my partner and my ex and his partner, this is great for pick ups, photos of art work, agreeing on days etc.
But anything financial stays/ stayed between my ex and I

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