Tell me I’m not a bad parent

@dan54fis You are not a bad parent, by any stretch!!!
You and your baby are having a hard time so you gotta do what you gotta do.

Screw social media, I bet half those mums do the same when they need to.

I use Ms Rachel if I need to get something done, or if bubs is grumpy or if I am unwell and just need some quiet time.

The fact that you are questing whether you’re a good parent shows us that you are a good parent.

Hang in there ❤️
@dan54fis I have two kids and I’m married to a Thai man who said with both kids around 9-10 months that they get diarrhea right before walking. It makes no sense to me, is one of many wacko old wives tales he tells me about, but somehow it really got me through the hard “I suck” feelings dealing with runny poo and diaper rash. 9-11 months is so wild with new solids, teething, wacking their heads on everything, putting everything in their mouths making you worried if a tiny bit of it could break off and choke them… couldn’t pay me to go back to that age with either of my girls.

To be fair, both of my daughters did walk at 10/11 months so maybe it’s true about the runny poo before walking milestone. It’s maybe true enough that I would repeat it here if only to help another mom have a (maybe nonsensical) reason for the madness other than those that naturally come to our brains like bottle wasn’t clean enough, let kid lick too many floors and windows, fed her something weird, etc.
@hamiltonbill It’s true 9 months is wild to me right now there’s so much development happening so quickly.
My guy just pulled up to stand yesterday on his own and started taking these little steps when he’s standing, so your husband might be onto something!
@dan54fis There are so many other things that make someone a bad parent. A little screen time will not hurt or damage your child. You are not a bad parent. You are a good parent that used the tools you had available to you, to save your sanity and refill your cup, so you can pour into your baby’s cup. Put your oxygen mask on first 🫶🏽
@dan54fis Honestly, I think we demonize screen time too much. Like, to the point that parents are scared to admit it because they’ll be deemed bad parents. The studies definitely show that excessive screen time can be an issue but the vast majority of that stems from screen time where a kid is watching tv and not interacting with the world. Ms. Rachel is great because it’s set up like FaceTime which studies have deemed as OK screen time. We do one episode a day and usually it coincides with the fussier part of the day or me cooking lunch. It’s amazing to see how many things he’s (18mo) learned from her videos. He’s learned several ASL signs and gestures. He’s learned new words. Screen time isn’t the devil. It’s a tool to be used in moderation and wisely. You’re doing a great job. I hope bubs feels better asap!
@dan54fis You’re not a bad mom. In fact I’d say you’re a good mom. Good for you for providing your kid some distraction based pain relief so he could calm down and so could you. Now he feels better and has a happier mom. Great decision. Hours of tv every day? Probably not a great idea (although if I had a colicky baby I’d probably try it). What you did? Very good job 👍🏽
@dan54fis Just had a family member try to convince me it's perfectly normal and fine to rub some whiskey in their mouth while their teething, gave me that "oh ho ho you're just a new parent you'll change your mind" shtick when I said I don't think we'll be doing that.

I think you could be doing much worse.
@jenny1972 Hahah ah the condescending “new parent/first time parent” statement. I’ve gotten it from in laws who had their first kid 5 years ago. It’s wild. 🤪
@dan54fis I use hey bear when we are having a bad day to give me a break. Also when he teething and I am waiting for pain relief to kick in and I am about to loose my mind I use it to. Some screen time when you’re normally interacting and playing with your baby is fine. You’re doing great! Try your best to ignore the social media mum’s, it’s a snap shot it not their real or whole life x
@dan54fis I was not a TV mum untill the last 5 months where my 2 year old hit the moody not sleeping faze and omg bless Ms Rachel and Ms moni and ponyo and totoro and Dory for my small amounts of peace and quiet.
@dan54fis My toddler is 18 months old, and I'm 25 weeks pregnant. Plus I got sick and stayed sick for 6 weeks in November then toddler started daycare in January and was continually sick for like two months straight. So we did a lot of staying in doors this winter to avoid nasty weather and spare others our germs. She's had so much more screen time than I would like. And I 100% don't think it's great or making her a genius or anything, but she 100% has learned things from Ms Rachel that I did not teach her, as is becoming increasingly apparent as her expressive language explodes. Would she have learned them faster if I personally had spent the same quantity of time interacting with her in a manner comparable to Ms Rachel? I'm sure. But I do often watch with her, and I've learned quite a bit myself about how to talk to her from Ms Rachel. She's holding something I don't want her to hold and won't give it to me? I just point to a box and sing the "put it in" song and 9/10 times she will. I understand how to enunciate and use inflection for babies better and which words to repeat for baby from listening to Ms Rachel. I'm just saying, I understand there are certainly higher quality ways to spend time, but Ms Rachel does have its benefits, it's not like it's actively damaging her.
@dan54fis Ms Rachel is SOO educational, think of it like you’re baby was entertained, happy AND learning something new:) I have a 19 month old who watched a little bit of tv everyday, she got a stomach bug and was vomiting and having diarrhea for 3 days straight, she watched SO much tv those 3 days, she didn’t have the energy to play or run around and that’s ok sometimes.
@dan54fis Ours gets an hour of miss Rachel every weekend morning and she’s ahead of the curve on all of her developmental milestones.

TVs don’t make good parents but they’re not nuclear waste. You’re fine.
@dan54fis It’s one day. One. Day. You need to do what you can to get through today so you can be there tomorrow and the day after and the day after…

Sounds like you’re doing everything possible to take care of his needs, make him comfortable and help him recover. You’re and amazing parent and you’re doing a great job!
@dan54fis Oh yeah! It’s like Groundhog Day! Not in Mat leave anymore but everyday felt like an eternity yet also suddenly it would be 5pm and I’d feel like… where has the day gone? I have nothing to show for it! It’s tough!