Tandem wearing with two wraps

@jaredbrown85 Ah, yeah, I can see how that would get uncomfortable quickly! I think SSCs can be comfortable, but each one tends to be most comfortable on a certain height/body weight distribution, and if you don't happen to be a match for that specific carrier, it can be pretty uncomfortable, and I don't have the budget or patience to try tons of SSCs to try to find a match for me. I love woven wraps because they adapt completely to your body and there are so many different carries that distribute weight differently. There is a learning curve, but especially if you're already familiar with a stretchy wrap, I really don't think it's a steep curve. I learned 100% from YouTube, I don't know anyone near me who uses a woven wrap to teach me. Definitely get comfortable with front carries and how tightening works with a woven wrap before trying back carries, but yeah, for comfort with a heavy toddler, I truly don't think a woven wrap can be beat, and it's very worth the learning curve.

Good luck!