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@g19shooter Gave her her first bath after a month. The second bath was today at 6.5 weeks. Her face is scratched up because we were too scared to file them for weeks. Her nose had boogers for days because I was too scared to take them out. I dropped crumbs on her tiny head, bathed her in too cool water. Given her cold milk from the fridge.
@cowwy I give cold milk from my fridge to my baby like 6 times a day! My lactation consultant encouraged to give it that way if the baby will take it as it makes it easier for everyone to not have to warm it! Nothing wrong w that :)
@g19shooter Being scared that I don't entertain her enough...
Being hit with a brick wall of PND suddenly as she hits six months.
Thank you for this thread. Reading it makes me feel better about my paranoia and such.
@g19shooter Got slightly stoned once when he was around 3mos (didn’t smoke at all during pregnancy, pp, etc). Had a full mental anxiety spiral. I’d pick him up and then be like Does he really want to be picked up right now? Does he even like me? Does he know I’m stoned? Then he started making these slack jaw faces and I was sure he had a mental disability for 10 min. Total mom fail, and the GUILT OMG
@g19shooter I remember seeing a comment how one mom almost went to get the mail with her robe on and tits out because of how often she needed to nurse.

Me personally, I made a nice cup of hot coffee only to put it in the cupboards where all my cups went…
@g19shooter Forgetting that little man pisses and shits himself (aka forgetting to change his poor diaper and reading it as him wanting more food which is led to struggles with breastfeeding when poor dude just needs a clean diaper ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️)
@sankey Ooh yeah. Changing diapers is a hard adjustment when you have a kid. But it’s important to do. At first I set alarms for mine to do it every hour when she was awake during the day, and did it during every wake window at night.
@g19shooter My recent mom fail was taking my then 1.5 month old and 3 year old on a walk on the first really hot day this year. Both my kids are sensitive to the heat (newborns obviously are) and 10 minutes in we were all miserable and it took new baby a whole 24 hours to stop being fussy from those few minutes. I felt like an asshole.
@g19shooter Brought my 4 month old combination fed baby to see her grandparents which involved a bus ride for us. My daughter gets two bottles of formula a day, one at 12pm and one at 8pm. We arrived just at 12am. Went to make her bottle only to realise we had no formula. I remembered putting it in her pram, but figured I must have taken it back out. Fortunately we had one small carton of ready made in her bag. When we got home I looked for the formula container I have that carries enough formula for four bottles but it can't be found. I'm assuming we lost it in transit.

Also she got a mild sunburn. I live in Ireland and that normally isn't an issue at this time of the year.

I know that these aren't the biggest fails but I'm a third time mom, a grandmother and I work in childcare so feel I shouldn't be doing such silly things. That said due to being a third time mom I don't sweat it like I would have done on my first.
@g19shooter I just wanna say….please don’t believe any of those social media moms. You never know how someone’s life really is behind a camera. Some of them prolly also do it just to try to make other moms feel bad.

But my fail is, I created a Velcro baby & now it’s hard to get anything done.
@g19shooter I have some days where I don't feel like washing my face because I'm exhausted from meeting my LO needs. I also eat really quick while standing to always be ready for any call from my LO :( I love him so much, but I can't wait for him to become a kid