Still hiking at 32 weeks!


New member
I'm a lot slower, need more snacks and water, and take a ridiculous number of potty breaks in the woods, but we're still going strong!

Hiking has been my main form of activity this pregnancy and rime in nature has definitely helped me stay sane. I just got back from 6 days in Iceland with some friends I do a lot of hiking with and was glad to be able to (mostly) keep up with them at 32 weeks.

We opted to skip anything too challenging even though I said they could go without me so the toughest one off hike we did was only about 3 miles (5 km) - Múlagljúfur Canyon. Obligatory summit bump photo.

We usually did several things a day though so it was still a lot of walking/hiking (at least 7 miles combined a day for 6 days) and I'm glad I've been hiking all pregnancy so that wasn't out of my reach. I did start having some bad hip soreness, but that's about it and it got better after limbering up each morning.

Thankful to still be active enough for hiking and traveling at this point and already thinking what last few hikes I can squeeze in before baby is here!
@katrina2017 I'm currently mustering up the energy to pull on some tennis shoes and take my dog on a walk, so right there with you. Funnily the bending over to put on shoes is the most intimidating part of the endeavor 😅
@eurombrem This is so inspiring. I’m at 37 weeks (allegedly lol) so maybe next baby. This is my first pregnancy and I was so active before I found out I was preggo. I’m paying for it now. It’s a task just to go to the grocery store. Are you swollen at all? . My ankles just started swelling 2 weeks ago 😭
@kattrav I've been fortunately swelling free so far but am a few weeks behind you so it could definitely still hit me. Hope yours starts going down soon, that sucks!
@eurombrem This is so inspiring!!! I have a yellowstone trip planning for 34 weeks and I'm a little nervous about all the walking, but this gives me hope. I'm so glad to hear you've still been able to hike and get out into beautiful places!
@eurombrem This is so inspiring! I have a trip to Glacier National Park when I'll be 33 weeks and have been a bit nervous about maintaining my fitness.

Sounds like you had a fun trip!