Staying on track while traveling


New member
Traveling for work this week at 22 weeks and its just been so stressful and tiring and my diet has gone to complete sh*t. I’ve been drinking at least 1 gallon of water a day and trying to get as much rest as possible but when your business is basically going out to lunches and dinner with people- what do you do? How do u stay on track? The wheels have completely come off these past 3 days and im sure ive gained an unnecessary 2-3 lbs- feeling so bad about myself. Help!
@petr0s No advice. Just commiserating. I always go on work travel with the best intentions and a suitcase stuffed with gym clothes. The only benefit of being pregnant was I couldn’t stay out drinking so I actually managed to get to the gym in the morning but I too failed when it came to what I was putting in my mouth! Just treat each day as a new one and don’t beat yourself up. Easier said then done I know but work travel really is so difficult. The foods good, free and you’re expected to socialize. I get it!