SPD and exercise


New member
Hey ladies I'm desperate to find some ways of maintaining something of a fitness routine. I'm 22 w 2 d and 37 years old with baby 6, 2 to make it this far. Before this pregnancy I was trail running 10k 1 to 2 times per week, working out including lifting, kalestetics, etc daily, and hiking 5-10k daily. Now with spd I can barely walk 5 kms and do my regular stretches without paying for it. Does anyone have a workout routine that helps with spd? Or at least something to maintain my fitness inspite of it? So far swimming has been awesome but we can't do that daily
@pram I had SPD. I’d recommend anything that strengthens your hip muscles- so clamshells, banded crab walks, side lying leg raises, etc. and to avoid split stance exercises like lunges.
@pram Can you/have you gotten into pelvic floor PT? I had SPD last time and this time i got to PT right at the first sign and my PT routine has helped so much with other exercise staying an option. the biggest things weve worked on are exercises to help me move in every day life: squats that mimic getting up/down from sitting, practicing diaphragmatic breathing in a ton of position, weight shifting with core engaged. I also got a recore fitness band which has helped a ton. Currently i do 1 day in the pool (a dream but agree cant go daily), 1-2 days on an elliptical, 3-4 walks. The walks are all pain dependent and on good days i can even do 1-2 min jogs thrown in, bad days im walking a mile max at 25-30 min mile pace. I do PT exercises daily, use a theragun to relieve hip and groin muscle tension, and then do pelvic floor friendly strength (no lunges, SL even if a good day cuz not worth exacerbating) 2-3 days a week!
@pram Swimming sounds amazing! I’m 13 weeks post partum and never found anything that helped with my SPD honestly. I did find that I could do body weight Bulgarian split squats without it hurting too bad. I’m still having some pain on my left side 🙃
@lisa12383 Yeah I can still do lunges and split squats some days.. but it does seem like once the weight on my pelvis gets too much all I can do is lay down.. and I sometimes pay for it the next day, it feels like bruising
@pram Even laying down or moving in bed for me was bad! Baby sat super super low which I think contributed to it. I hope you find something that helps you!!
@lisa12383 Oh goodness! I hope you heal quickly! I can move him upwards a little bit when it gets too much and it feels like he's purposefully bouncing around lower down through the day hut the evenings are awful!
@pram I do SPD friendly workouts on YouTube and I also use the stationery bike and it’s been helping tremendously. I also got an SI support belt but I found that wearing it actually made my pain worse once I took it off.