How do you find time to exercise?

@thesolution Like others said, this too shall pass. Eventually your LO will sleep better and you won't be as tired. Physical activity is such a component of my mental health, that I think I worried about it too much when my kids were little. Now that they're 7 and 10, it all seems like yesterday. They've been on a similar schedule for at least 4 years and I'm able to get away a lot more and I don't feel as guilty if I'm not home for bedtime. (which, sometimes, is better for them as they get to sleep faster with hubby.)

I would suggest starting small - if you set aside a small amount of time 2-3x per week, it might be doable. Like, one afternoon and one evening do a 20-30 min. Youtube weight training or HIIT workout. Then you can also walk lots during the day with your kids. I used to have a jogger stroller with a kickstand on it that my older one could stand on if she got tired on my long walks.

Or do little bits here and there - that helps keep you motivated and boosts all those good endorphins.

And don't waste time feeling bad about not exercising - you'll taint all these wonderful memories you're making now :)
@thesolution Husband and I are both teachers. We trade exercise days immediately after school and/or weekend mornings.

We prep everything possible for the week on the weekends - iron all clothes, make lunches, outfits for baby, etc.
@thesolution This would be harder with two, but I bought a step and do step aerobics when my baby is napping. I find videos on YouTube and follow along. I like Jenny Ford so far.
@thesolution I go for runs on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays before my husband starts work. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and one weekend day I do strength exercises (weights, lunges, squats, etc;) when I do these it's either when my baby is napping or while he's playing. I keep the weights in a little flex zone we have outside of his bedroom. Sometimes I'll just do random push-ups and leg lifts while hanging out with him on the floor. He loves to watch me do this. I will also go on long walks pushing the stroller and will bring a skipping rope with me and do a little rope workout with squats and pushups between jumping.

Do you have a jogging stroller? Can you and hubby go workout together, maybe go to the park together or run as a family in the morning? Are you able to get a gym bike or rowing machine for your place? If you have the space I'm sure you can find something second hand.
@thesolution Evenings after the baby is asleep! I do 20-30 min workouts which helps clear my head at the end of the day (even tho I’d rather be lazy/crash). It’s harder mentally than it is physically
@thesolution We are both working full time and both like working out in the morning (gives us energy for the day and almost makes us too wired to go to sleep after). M, W, F husband wakes up at 4:50 to do work out. Finished by 5:45. I wake up at 5:30 those days and workout while he showers and gets baby. We switch on T and Thurs.

I do the SWEAT app and the high intensity workouts by Kayla which are about 28 min. I’d rather work hard in a shorter concentrated time than a long stretch. It works for us and let’s us have time to relax in morning on wknds
@thesolution I have to force myself to wake up at 5 or 6AM to head to the gym before I start work and husband leaves for work. My gym offers free childcare but it's a hassle dragging 3 kids with me after I get off work.

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