Son broke up with his girlfriend because she was too “freaky”

@jaxsn FYI. I work in IT for a school district. I'm well versed in this. Purge them NOW. If he has photos backed up to the cloud, purge them YESTERDAY.

Sending pictures of nude minors is illegal and she could be busted for this. She could make life very hard for people she sent them to as well. It's not worth it. Believe me, I'll be having this discussion with my own daughter when she's that age.
@thiagocouto That was my first thought as well. Of course, a 13 year old boy shouldn't be trying to deal with that at all and it was totally appropriate for him to break things off with her. But as an adult, I would worry about what prompted this girl to think that kind of thing is okay. Hyper-sexualization is a common symptom of child sex abuse.
@thiagocouto No need to go there from such a short post. We have little idea if what she was sending and zero idea of her history. We need to stop jumping to extreme conclusions, it is not helpful...
@thiagocouto No, I am talk about you suggesting the girl has been "abused" that is a step to far and too often we are taking similar steps, without think of the impact on the actual people involved. There is nothing in ops post to suggest this girl has any issues at all beyond being too forward with his son. We should not be making up negative things about this girl nor puting that kind of stuff in op's head...
@nathiuz Hyper-sexualization is a common symptom in victims of sexual abuse. That is what is in the post that suggests the girl has been abused. I think OP is a grown ass man and can deal with knowing stuff about the darker side of the human species.
@nathiuz If you think it’s normal for a child to make child porn I don’t know what to tell you. Being concerned for someone being abused is not about harming someone’s reputation or negativity
@nathiuz Nobody’s making up negative things about the girl. If anything they’d be making up negative things about the parents. Being a victim doesn’t make you a bad person
@nathiuz So many children are not helped because people ignore signs like this. It’s not normal for children this young to do this. It is a warning sign of abuse. It should be looked into by the right authorities.

And if it turns out she isn’t being abused, it’s important that her parents know what is going on, so they can get her the mental help she needs.
@thiagocouto If this was 1980 I'd think that, but in 2024 the world is awash in porn. I think it's very hard to keep kids away from it and it's gotta be changing norms as a result