Sometimes it hurts to question bills

@boondocks777 Talk to your insurance instead of the hospital! See where this 9k is being applied to, is it your deductible? Ask the insurance to mail you an EOB. If in fact you do owe the said amount, see if the hospital has a charity care program or if they can set you up on a long payment plan.
@boondocks777 All of this should be illegal. You’ve just had a baby, you shouldn’t have to deal with this. It’s insane. I’ve never felt more lucky to live in Australia as I do now that I’ve had a baby and have been reading the experiences of American women. I really hope things change for you. Sending lots of hugs.
@boondocks777 That’s super rotten.
I’d get the name of the person you spoke with at the hospital (if you still can).
Then call your local news investigation team about this preposterous increase in charges that all future moms should watch out for at this particular hospital.
Before this, I would go in person to the hospital and ask to speak with someone who does medical billing. Just so you have someone in person as it might be harder for them to mess with you in person. Be sure to get their name too.
Kill them with kindness and bring your baby.
Then take it to the news with everyone’s name and what happened.
Even the threat of a negative local investigative report might help reduce some of the bogus billing charges.
@christianafalbo They aren’t bogus charges though. That’s just the way newborn care is charged. OP stated that her baby actually did go to the NICU. Even if the baby stayed in the room, she would still receive the nursery charges because they charge for staff, monitoring, and supplies. OP stated her baby was higher acuity so the level 2 charge is justified.