Sometimes it hurts to question bills

@boondocks777 This is my worst nightmare. As long as the bill stays under the max out of pocket for my insurance, I just put it on a payment plan. I don't see how the birth will be any less than my max out of pocket because my max is under 5k per person and 9k for family and I am having a cesarean so that already puts us over the individual so it only takes a little more to get to the family max.
@rainfallsoneveryone I was just thinking that 😭😭😭 my friend had her baby 3 months early and her son needed to be in nicu for months (London Ontario) and not only was that all covered, her families room and board to be w him was covered by Ronald McDonald House. What a double whammy between this and shitty mat leave protection, I feel for you ladies deep in my heart:(
@boondocks777 I was also confused as to why I was being billed for nursery when she wasn’t in a nursery. But I didn’t ask because I figured they’d give me a line of crap
@boondocks777 Nursery charge is for all the monitoring they do to the baby if you choose to room with the baby or send to nursery. Examples: weighing, first bath, PKU blood draw, hearing test etc…
Most hospitals will reduce the bill if you are literally unable to pay. You just ask for financial assistance. You can also ask for a payment plan.
@katrina2017 17 weeks - bill estimate with insurance is 14k for a low complication vaginal delivery with a fully healthy child.

Luckily, my out-of-pocket max (so the full amount I have to pay on all medical charges for me for the year) is $3800. And all of my prenatal (and most of my other medical care) goes towards that amount.

It's pretty insane. The baby's needs are billed fully separately, too, so that would just be for me.
@katrina2017 No. Most people do not pay these bills. It's negotiated by insurance, and partially paid by insurance. If you don't have insurance, there's a special rate.
@katrina2017 Idk about most people, but I don't understand why anyone would pay medical bills. It does not impact your credit score I have heard. If the bills were reasonable that would be different but get an itemized bill. It is insane and yes should be very illegal.
@bensonja Possibly. Medical bills are probably easily contested with the credit beauraus though. Prob easier than dealing with the insurance companies or hospitals.
@matiss My friends daughter went to the ER and after they gave her one notice, and she called multiple times to set up a payment plan but couldn’t get through, she was sent to collections and her credit took a dump. I couldn’t tell you the exact timeline but it was only a few months. It does effect your credit.
@boondocks777 Gosh, I had my baby in November by emergency C-section and being from the UK both the care for myself and my daughter was all free on the NHS, here I think we take healthcare for granted and it’s reading posts like this that make me realise how lucky we are over here

Spelling: emergency not energy
@jacqueline9423 I’m from Australia, same thing here. Had an emergency c-section at a public hospital, private room for me and baby for 3 nights, excellent care, all the tests, lactation consultant to see you if you need… all free. The only thing we paid for was daily parking when my husband visited, and my pain meds to take home and those things totalled less than $100.