Sometimes I want to give up. Anyone else


New member
Hi everyone! It's nice I have found a whole subreddit dedicated to cloth diaps. But honestly I'm quite discouraged. I'm using an Ai3 system set that was very expensive (regional production), stocked up the inserts because I had to wash every day, but there are days (and nights) in which the diapers leak like hell and I don't know why. I change baby at least every 2,5 hours at night (and 2 hours at daytime) as he cries for boob anyway, but still he flooded his night diaper tonight. Leg fit is tight, the hose is pointing down, but still. Maybe the outer shell is quite lose, baby is still rather slim at app. 5 kg. Doing always the same fitting procedure, app. 9/10 times working, but the leaking 1/10 drives me crazy. It's random whether it occurs at daytime or nighttime. Is this an “acceptable“ rate? Or shouldn't this happen at all? I feel like a failure every time this happens, as the system seems to work very well for many families, as it was expensive and I even invested more. I don't want to change the system but I'm quite annoyed as you may imagine. P.s.: I don't know whether this plays a role but disposables even leaked more...
@holdingon4life I would say this is an acceptable rate - my 6 month old has always been a heavy wetter too. It’s frustrating when you have to change the sheets/outfit etc but disposables are even worse for leaking when we’ve tried them. I found a brand called La Petit Ourse (LPO)(pockets with 2 inserts) work great at night for us. Also MotherEase AI2 with a microfibre booster. I only have 2 LPO pockets and we use them for night time so if you considered a night time specific diaper it shouldn’t be too expensive to get say 2 (depending how often you wash) or check on marketplace for some used to try different brands/styles.

** recently learned if you get AI2 like motherease, you can revitalize the waterproof covers when needed so they’re more likely to last for multiple children if that’s your plan. Just wanted to point this out incase you see AI1s and think “that looks so much easier” (like I did) but you can’t do the revival process on them because it would waterproof the insert as well since it’s connected.
@holdingon4life Don’t let perfection be a deterrent. Diapers leak sometimes. Both cloth and disposables. Especially when they’re as little because they pee SO much and the diapers are so small.

Change a bit more often, at that age I changed at every 90 minutes the latest.
@holdingon4life If he's a newborn still he's probably just peeing a lot, and constantly. I thought of my daughter at that age as a leaky faucet. I changed her cloth diapers every 1-1.5 hours, we used disposables at night and generally changed her once at night until we stopped (unless there was night time poop) around 3 months.

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