So what food are y’all bringing to the hospital?


New member
Are y’all planning to just toss some clif bars and healthy snacks in a bag or have you thought more about this? I saw one that said to pack a cooler but idk what’d go in it
@audiotech Is that what she wants? Seems like a terrible surprise. Also even if she wants it now, she probably will change her mind In delivery. Be open to shutting it down
@marcusl3159 I graduated a few weeks ago. I would suggest a variety of snacks: sweet, salty, savory. Squeezable peanut butter was huge for me. I brought some cliff bars, a hard sided container with goldfish, a Ziploc of dried mango, a Ziploc of trail mix, and a soft sided cooler with a bunch of mini Gatorade bottles. You don't need tons of food but the variety is nice after a couple days. With being awake all hours of the day you're going to need random snacks. My wife also appreciated the variety of snacks.
@marcusl3159 I was so unprepared the first time. The second time I’m bringing a backpack. In that backpack I will have at least 4 different drinks of non water. They’ll have water there. I’ll then pack some peanuts, chocolates and gummy worms. Probably a handful of other random snacks. No chips though. Those are messy. Also all the drinks will be bottles with lids.
@marcusl3159 Clif bars worked for us. Fortunately the hospital also periodically dropped off “dad snacks” which was great given the 30+ hour labor. I’d recommend against perishables. Freeze dried fruit would probably be good though.
@marcusl3159 Take a few snacks, but a cooler is overkill. You'll also want to familiarize yourself with the restaurants, etc., in the area. There will be times when you're either waiting for the kid, or mom and kid are sleeping, and you just want to get some fresh air. Coming back with tasty food is an easy way to justify it.

Also, after the kid arrives and you're all settled in your recovery room, I highly recommend going out and getting the best box of donuts you can find and giving them to the nurse manning the desk on your floor. It's a nice 'thank you'/bribe, and will pay big dividends.
@marcusl3159 Slow release energy like museli and granola bars. Lots of fruit as you're both gonna need plenty of fibre after hospital/canteen food! Take a refillable water bottle and some electrolyte powders. Easier than carrying in a crate of Gatorade.

I'd suggest you treat yourself with your evening meal. A ubereats or doordash from your favourite restaurants!
@marcusl3159 Don’t bother with the cooler. All of her food can come from the hospital. Want a snack, ding here’s jello/crackers/chips/pretzels (hospital dependent). For you there is always a 24 hr cafe and door dash. Just enough snacks to keep you going when you can’t leave (or steal them from her)

Also don’t bring anything with a smell to the delivery room.
@marcusl3159 Graduated 4wks ago. I brought protein bars and some cookies for myself. Popsicles, “Heavenly Hunks” from Costco for the wife (they have some coconut and protein in them), nuts and sparkling waters. We hardly ate any of it, the waters went fast though. Hospital food has come a long way so we weren’t that desperate.
@marcusl3159 Hospital's have a full kitchen and a snack nutrition room in every unit. Unless you are super picky or have strict dietary restrictions 1-2 protein/granola bars should be enough and a big reusable water bottle. For the rest just ask the staff or call the kitchen from the room and order food. Even if your partner isn't allowed to have food due to being in labor most hospitals will provide a tray for the spouse for free or at an extremely low cost.

Don't over think it. It's 2 days and you aren't stuck there the whole time. You can go out for 5 minutes and grab food or have something delivered via Postmates.
@marcusl3159 Bring a cooler, cold cut sandwiches, snacks & a reusable water container.

I went 2 days with no almost food because they refused to let me order anything & what they brought my wife finished because it was maybe 1200 calories a day.... They wouldn't let her order more because "you might let your husband eat it"...My wife didn't want me to leave her alone which is why I basically fasted.

I got a few crackers from the nurses & a endless supply of coffee...