So what food are y’all bringing to the hospital?


New member
Are y’all planning to just toss some clif bars and healthy snacks in a bag or have you thought more about this? I saw one that said to pack a cooler but idk what’d go in it
@marcusl3159 I graduated a few weeks ago. I would suggest a variety of snacks: sweet, salty, savory. Squeezable peanut butter was huge for me. I brought some cliff bars, a hard sided container with goldfish, a Ziploc of dried mango, a Ziploc of trail mix, and a soft sided cooler with a bunch of mini Gatorade bottles. You don't need tons of food but the variety is nice after a couple days. With being awake all hours of the day you're going to need random snacks. My wife also appreciated the variety of snacks.
@marcusl3159 I was so unprepared the first time. The second time I’m bringing a backpack. In that backpack I will have at least 4 different drinks of non water. They’ll have water there. I’ll then pack some peanuts, chocolates and gummy worms. Probably a handful of other random snacks. No chips though. Those are messy. Also all the drinks will be bottles with lids.
@marcusl3159 Clif bars worked for us. Fortunately the hospital also periodically dropped off “dad snacks” which was great given the 30+ hour labor. I’d recommend against perishables. Freeze dried fruit would probably be good though.

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