So many options! Which would you recommend for home wear for 0-6 months?


New member
FTM due in 9 weeks - who knew there were SO many options? We were gifted an ergo 360 that seems more “industrial” for outings - my husband has carried a friends baby in one and it worked for him. I will be home for 6 months and want something outside of the 360 for me to wear around the house—easy to put on correctly, ergonomically friendly (ring slings look like it eventually hurt your back/shoulder?), easy to put baby in and out of, and comfortable for myself and baby. I’ve looked at K’tan (seems easy to use?), ergobaby embrace, and had Nesting Days just recommended to me. The ones with a lot of wrapping scare me away. What do you think would be suitable? I’m 5’8 athletic/average build.
@chrishaun Personally I recommend a stretchy wrap for little babies. I like Solly. Once you tie it you can take baby in and out. And since the waist isn’t structured it’s easy to sit down.
@chrishaun Every carrier or wrap has a learning curve. And there's no "one size fits all".

I started straight out with a woven wrap and has used it and a mehdai like the didymos didyklick for almost a year. I found it easiest (after learning how to tie it) - not only for putting it on but also for caring (washing, folding, storing).

But you also can use the ergo in the house.

I've never liked a ringsling but I also only wear backpacks - no purses or other shoulder bags. I don't like the feeling of only carrying on one shoulder. But my friend only ever exclusively used a ring sling (with number three she used a stretchy wrap most of the time even though she wasn't a fan of stretchies with her first two kids).

Try out the ergo. If it isn't for you then I'd recommend a mehdai like the didyklick - one where you can adjust the width of the panel (preferably also the height) and open up the strands. This will last you longest and you can use it earliest.
@chrishaun For home use, I recommend a stretchy wrap, preferably one you don’t have to actually wrap. I personally didn’t like K’tan because the fabric was so rough and uncomfortable and not that stretchy. Konny is a recent popular choice (I haven’t tried but would like to).

For myself I used Huggaloops (I live in Canada) in bamboo and LOVED IT and will be using it for the next baby.

I also second Beco Gemini - we didn’t use it at home but on our Europe trip with baby. The X-back made it the only carrier we had at the time that didn’t leave me or my SO with back pain.
@chrishaun I wasn’t expecting to, but I love my ring sling. Since it’s so adjustable, even floppy newborns feel secure! My 4mo is 14 pounds and I still find it comfortable on my back. I flip flop between my ring sling and our baby bjorn (gifted - not sure I’d choose it). My husband definitely prefers the structure of the BB and I do like it too sometimes now that baby is bigger.

I find it easier to sit with the ring sling (beb’s legs hit mine if I try to sit in BB) and it’s very easy to put the ring sling on without putting baby down (for example if baby fell asleep on your shoulder). Also fits easily in diaper bag so it’s actually our go-to for restaurants/church/etc. Basically anything that’s not a dedicated walk. Though that would probably apply for any non-structured carrier

If you get a ring sling, regardless of the brand you choose, I recommend wildbird’s IG highlight for a newborn tutorial. With their tutorial, it was really just a slight learning curve!
@clare100 I second this. I used the k’tan in the beginning since it was easy to use and I didn’t have to spend a lot of time watching YouTube’s to learn how to tie it.
@chrishaun Every baby and parent are different. I’d recommend seeing if any friends or family have wraps that you can try out before buying something! I have multiple wraps that were gifted to us that we don’t use. My baby likes the ring sling, but he’s a little furnace and I have a hard time using the one we were gifted because it’s too thick (Moby) and ended up making my own. We also have a Baby Bjorn mini that he loves to be in when facing outward but he’d throw a fit facing inward when he was younger. We also have an ergo baby 360- and we both hate that one. My point being, try to wait and see what you baby and you like if you can. If you can’t, find a carrier company that has a good return policy (but know that making it to the post office with a newborn is more difficult than it sounds 😅)
@chrishaun I used the K'Tan when my bubs was a newborn but he hated it after about 8 weeks old and would always fuss in it, then we started using the Ergobaby Embrace around 6 weeks and I loved that - structure but nice and soft with some stretch. Once bubs got to about 12-13 pounds he would start in the correct position in the Embrace (high enough to kiss) but because of the stretch after walking around the house he would slowly sag lower and lower as his nap went on in the carrier. No matter how tight I made the Embrace or tried its positioning it would always sag while moving around in it. Now on the daily I use my Happy Baby Carrier and I LOVE IT and bubs loves it even more because he feels more secure and there is zero sagging. Once I got all of the straps on it set up to fit me and be exactly where I wanted them I can properly pop him in the carrier and move on my day in less than 30 seconds. Zero sagging and he stays at kissable height for hours.
@chrishaun I found stretchy wraps too cumbersome, especially when my baby was small and floppy. I’ve used the Nesting Days and loved that it was so easy to get baby in and out. It is intended for skin to skin and can also function as a nursing shirt. The only thing about it is if you want to use it a lot, you’re wearing the same shirt every day—but if you’re looking for home use that’s probably not a big deal (except for postpartum sweating! 😳). I wish I’d had it when my LO was a true newborn (I bought it a little later).

Now I use the Boppy Comfyfit which I also find extremely easy to use and fairly comfortable. I ordered the Konny at the same time and found it less comfortable on my back.
@chrishaun At this point I have quite a collection of baby wearing options : ergobaby original, 360 and embrace, an infantino carrier, a moby wrap, a boba wrap and a ring sling.
My girl is 12 weeks and about 11 lbs. When she was under 10 lbs I liked the boba wrap the best, soft stretchy and kept her really close and secure. I stopped loving it @ about 10 lbs when carrying leg out became necessary. The moby wrap was too stiff and thick for spring/summer but might be really nice in the winter.
She has been too small for the ergobaby original & 360 to date and I don't feel comfortable with the infant insert, I used the infantino a couple of times but we both hated it. I picked up a ring sling at this point and I sooo want to love it but it hasn't been great - she's not crazy about it and I can't seem to get a really comfy fit (mine is from kyte and is a very stiff linen which might be why). So after all that and a ton of research I bought the ergobaby embrace, this is the only carrier that I have bought new at full price and I am soooo glad I did because I love it. It's quicker and easier to put on than a traditional wrap but is way softer/stretchier/cozier than other ssc's. If I was gonna do it over again I would start there. If you have the space and a little extra $ to throw down I would also get a stretchy wrap second hand (you can find them pretty cheap) but it feels sooo nice wearing your newborn this way and after doing it 2-3 times was pretty natural for me. Good luck!
@nablusstar I wrote in a different comment what we have. I just had a second kid and I've been considering buying more! You're so right, each is so different. And I'm glad we have options because sometimes you just don't want to change the straps on your husband's favorite.