So glad we did cloth diapers - r/all had a room full of disposable diapers

@fishsack I'm cloth diapering twins (as I did with my two big kids) and I saw a meme recently that said twins go through 4000 to 6000 diapers a year! Which is just basic math but crazy to see it written out like that. I had my babies in cloth as soon as we got home from the hospital and we were going through 24 cloth diapers in two days. It was a bit crazy there for a minute..

oh, and my one twin loved pooping in a fresh diaper haha. When we were waiting to get discharged she went through three disposable diapers in about 8 minutes because she kept pooping and we kept thinking she was done lol
@ukbeliever220485 From me there is no judgement. It’s not for everyone. I’m just happy that my wife and I did it. Which is why I shared it to this subreddit with people that also like cloth diapers
@fishsack Even more of a waste is that there are 5s and 6s there. I’ve only done disposables at night and my son was only in 4s by the time he was potty trained. I’m guessing it’ll be the same for my daughter. You never know when your kids will outgrow diapers but definitely should have had more 1/2s there.
@ashley678 This is what I was thinking! That’s a lot of those sizes. Luckily, they can exchange later down the road for sizes they’d actually need. My kid never outgrew 3’s.
@ashley678 Meanwhile my 10 month old is in 4s, and he isn't even large for his age. It is just how they fit I guess. I need to go back to cloth more often but all the stuff I had for him when he was little just isn't cutting it anymore.
@fishsack Aside from the insane amount of diapers that is, I cannot imagine holding onto 20 large boxes of S5-6 diapers for 1.5-2 years before they even fit into them. But then I’m guessing this person has endless space in their house if that’s how many diapers they want to have on hand.
@fishsack Ahhhh!

I showed that exact post to my husband this morning and he just shook his head and said, "They could have bought a nice stash of cloth with all the money from those diapers."

Then he pointed out it wouldn't be the greatest idea to get that many of a singular brand if you did go with disposables because the little one could be allergic.