So glad to find this sub! Am I doing things right?


New member
Hubs and I are going to start trying in April/May (we're both teachers and this gives us optimal timing w maternity leave). I came off BC in Sept and I finally got my period again (I PMSed for 2 months straight - it was fairly horrendous). We're using protection from now til then.

Question is - we really want to get pregnant in a very certain time frame (as if we could really control that). Should I start temping early to know my best fertility time when we're ready? How the hell do I temp? When do I start? Should I be doing anything else?

Also, can we share Pinterest boards or something? I would love to see what you ladies are looking at.
@calsyths Have you read Taking Charge of Your Fertility? It gives a good overview of temping and charting. You can start doing so whenever you want. I plan to start as soon as I go off BC.
@calsyths I'm on my second month of temping and I would definitely recommend practicing until you want to start trying. I actually haven't read that book but I have heard that it's a great resource. I've been using the Kindara app on my Android phone. Make sure you buy a basal thermometer that reads at least two decimal places and I would recommend getting one with a backlight. You have to temp at the same time every morning after at least 3 hours of sleep to get the most accurate reading. I was having trouble temping at the same time every morning because my body would know that my alarm was going to go off at 7am so it would wake me up at 5 or 6 and you can't go back to sleep then tempt. So what I have to do is set an alarm for 5am, tempt, then go back to sleep until 7.

The app has been really helpful and has a great community where you can share your chart and people will help you understand when you ovulated if you can't figure it out yourself. I'm still learning but it's really interesting to find out what your body is doing any why. For example I never understood the purpose of cervical fluid and why it changes consistency over the month (the thinner/watery-er it is the more fertile you are.) Since I started temping and tracking my cervical fluid I really understand my body much more. It's for sure going to be a part of the sex talk I have with my own daughters some day.

Good luck!
@calsyths Haven't found one I like yet. I'm using a cheap one I found on amazon but it doesn't have a back light (which is how I figured out that I want one with a back light haha).
@calsyths Welcome! You and I have the same starting time frame -- maybe we'll be baby buddies in the future!!

We aren't as strict on the timeline as you though so for the first few months we're just going to wing it and see what happens. :p

Very glad to have you here!
@calsyths Hello and welcome!
It certainly wouldn't hurt to start temping now. Unfortunately, I don't know much on the specifics, but I'm pretty sure the side bar of r/tryingforababy is pretty informative and a lot of people love the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility.