So, I (32F) know they say it’s safe to continue any exercise you were doing pre-pregnancy and not to start anything new once you’re pregnant. But, I was almost completely sedentary before pregnancy. I would go on leisurely walks maybe 3-4 times a week. Went to the gym here and there, but nothing very consistently. But that was it. No weights or any real cardio. My first pregnancy, L&D, and postpartum were very hard for me because I was not physically active for the most part. So I decided I’d start going to the gym. I’m a former athlete—played soccer and basketball all growing up, pick up games here and there as an adult, and there was a period during college where I was weightlifting consistently. So while I’m no stranger to workouts, I’m also no spring chicken. A week ago, at 5w+0d, I signed up for a Bodypump workout class at our local YMCA. It’s low weights and high reps. Lots of squatting, lunging, pushups, and core involved. I was able to keep up pretty well, but was sore the next two days. Took a break. I went again this morning at 6w+0d. I was very much NOT able to keep up. I had to keep taking rest breaks and actually felt faint at one point. I did what I felt was the responsible thing, listened to my body, and left the class about 2/3 of the way through. I couldn’t believe how exhausted I felt and how much one week difference made. I certainly don’t want to be sedentary again, and I think the weights, squats, and lunges we do during the class are really good for pregnancy. How do I find a happy medium? And should I let the instructor know that I’m pregnant? He’s a middle-aged man and I don’t know if he would even be able to offer me any insight. I have my first prenatal appointment and ultrasound in six days. Any advice welcome please!