4.0 mm NT and 1 in 2 risk for Down - there’s hope!

@swskehwmbewagor61 We did the NIPT before we saw the geneticists. Because we were so far along I ran out and did it the day my midwife called about the absent nasal bone. It was a good thing I did because I would have had to do the amnio by the time I got in to see the specialists.
@katrina2017 I’m curious as to why they didn’t pick up no nasal bone earlier? Mine was picked up at 13 weeks.
I had both the NIPT (before 13 weeks) and the amnio and all came back fine.
@swskehwmbewagor61 That sounds so stressful. I'm sorry you had to go through that, but that's great about your results. I'm currently in limbo, my first trimester screening came back with a 1 in 34 risk for down syndrome, and I have been so upset. Still waiting to speak with someone about what my next step testing options will be. I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly, and you have a healthy baby.
@swskehwmbewagor61 My first son had a 3.7 NT and 1/5 chance of downs. We did the CVS (similar to amino) and results were clear. He’s now 4 years old and a totally normal albeit very annoying kid! Thriving in every way. What helped me get through all the stress and waiting (which was absolutely horrendous) was a forum on the baby center website called the nuchal translucency group or something or another.
@banon “Albeit very annoying” 😂 as long as he’s healthy and happy! And yes, the forums helped a lot, although I didn’t find too much info, which is why I decided to post my experience
@swskehwmbewagor61 At my 12 week scan the NT was 5.4 and no nasal bone.
Did a CVS came back normal.
Did the early fetal echo came back normal.
Did an early anatomy scan, nasal bone present hypo but there.
Did the regular 18 week fetal echo, normal.
Did the normal 20 week anatomy scan, nasal bone perfect everything else normal.

My OB says they (the MFM) fucked up with the nasal bone because it can’t not be there then be there ... NT he said it happens?

So baby is great no issues but high NT and originally absent nasal bone.

There’s always hope
@ermcon Your ob is 100% wrong about that. It’s not uncommon for the nasal bone to be hypoplastic/absent at the nt stage and for it to ossify/ form later on.
@ermcon Hi, I’m going through something similar now. 4mm NT and absent basal bone at 15weeks. Is there any explanation for increased NT if all is normal?
@akalime No, they couldn’t figure out why I had any of those issues.

When I delivered a full-term healthy baby, my only issues were placenta was not good (likely occurred later) and I had a blood clot. Other than that everything was great! No issues with baby, (later they did see a nasal bone it was hypo - small- but OB said he didn’t care and there was no issues)
@swskehwmbewagor61 Wow, I’m so sorry for all the stress and worry this had to have been for you. I’m so happy to hear you can breathe easier now, congrats! Hoping the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly ❤️
@swskehwmbewagor61 Thanks for sharing this.

Human error plays a huge role in these tests and I urge everyone undergoing first trimester screening to go tobthe best fetal medicine clinics to get it done.

I had a similar experience. But they detected the gestational age of my baby wrong by almost two weeks. The trisomy risks are based on the amount of blood proteins against the standard amount for the gestational age. If your gestational age is off, the results would also be terrible. My doctor was shocked and said for my age (28), the results were shocking. Anyway, he sent me to a good clinic where the results were absolutely fine, NT was
@tomfrommer That’s such a relief! If I’ve learned anything from this awful experience is that A. Screening does not mean diagnostic (I mean, as a healthcare practitioner I knew that of course, but when emotions run high you tend to forget it) and B. Human error DOES play such a huge role here, you’re absolutely right. I’m glad your baby was fine!!

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