SlEeP NoW bEfOrE tHe BaBy gEtS hErE

@pinkflower The thing that annoys me with this sentiment is that sleep/rest are not things we can store? Like I can’t create a surplus that I can draw down on once the baby arrives (ignoring the fact I had 4.5 hours last night anyway).
@argamon Yep exactly. It’s another one of those things that is pretty much out of your control yet people try to make you feel like shit about it.

What would actually be helpful is not being goaded into an anxious state by frankly ill-meaning ‘advice’. Why can’t people say supportive things and affirm your ability to cope or something. I’m so sick of it.
@argamon But you can sleep bank a little. Once I hit 36 weeks last time I would spend all my extra time sleeping especially since I was so uncomfortable and could only sleep in short stretches. This time is harder because I have an insomniac toddler but still taking what I can get when I can.
@heavyd Isn’t that less about banking sleep during pregnancy for use after delivery, and more about making up for sleep already lost though?
@pinkflower Was awake last night from 2am to about 6am. Never had insomnia before, also have back pain and my legs cramp up. Concerning back pain, I have a low lying placenta so I'm careful with that.

I'm 22wks with twins and never complain but I'm gonna complain now!

Called in sick to work, manager didn't sound to happy. Luckily I live in Ireland once I have a doctor's cert, they just have to accept it. I work in childcare btw, which doesn't work well with back pain.
@salif Definitely make the most of taking time off when you need to! And yeah, the leg cramping sucks! I haven't had it for a few weeks now though so I hope it settles down for you too.

I'm a nurse in the UK and really wish I'd taken some extra sick days when I needed to but I felt so guilty at the time! Wouldn't think twice about it now 😅

Good luck with your double trouble babies!
@pinkflower Yeah it’s getting obnoxious hearing that all the time lol. 37 plus 6 here.

I think it’s weird too because I can’t just sleep all day either. Someone’s got to manage this household and prep for baby.

I know they mean well, but at this point I’d take waking up every 2 hours to feed over every 15 minutes to pee.
@miley258 100‰. Feeling like a turtle stuck on its back trying to heave yourself out of bed every 15 minutes does not allow for good sleep! It can only get better, right? 😅
@pinkflower It’s 6 am and I’ve been up since 3, after my usual night’s ‘sleep’ of waking up every 30 minutes since going to bed. I’m 37+5 and just about to give up and start my day. If only I could get comfortable enough to take a nap later, but that’s not happening!
@pinkflower The needing to pee all the time is something I have fortunately avoided, but instead I get really weird, semi-lucid dreams that bring me in and out of sleep. I think I can safely say that when I am no longer pregnant and flooded with those hormones, I will have a better quality of sleep even if the quantity is less.
@pinkflower I’ve had horrible insomnia throughout my whole pregnancy due to hormones (currently 4AM and I’ve been up for hours). It’s only gotten worse in my third trimester now that I’m also horribly uncomfortable. I haven’t slept in 8 months and I work full time. Screw anyone who says this to me.
@pinkflower Two new mothers recently told me that they found the last few weeks of pregnancy to be more exhausting than actually having a baby and going through night feeds etc.
So I'm just crossing my fingers that this is the case. It can't be possible to be more tired than this, right??
@pinkflower The sentiment in the title is giving me so much anxiety right now. I’m lucky that not many people are really saying it to me (yay for pandemic isolation I guess), but I’m feeling defeated at the whole idea that I should be resting up before baby comes. I’m due next week and have hit that “everything hurts” phase. Sleep is so difficult to achieve, and it’s not restful. I’m feeling so demoralized. It just feels like I’m going to be exhausted and in pain until then baby comes, at which point I’ll be exhausted and in a different kind of pain. :(
@eternalsunrise I'm due next week and right there with you. I'm most concerned that I'm going to be too exhausted to push this baby out.

But I'm sure the adrenaline will kick in and our bodies will just do what they need to! Good luck with the last stretch! Hope everything goes well for you 🙂
@eternalsunrise You will be amazed by what you can do, and none of it lasts forever. I’ve had horrible sleep problems in the past (not baby related) and you’ve just got to let it go - you will sleep when you sleep and will manage anyway. As someone else said rest isn’t a bank you can draw down from, you actually adapt. If you’re not sleeping so great now you’re already adapting!

I know sleeping will be hard/different with a baby but I sure am looking forward to getting some good quality naps on my back. And rolling over.