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@karolinan I've hit the point where I literally tear up when I think about the ability to just roll over in bed. I don't want to wish away the pregnancy, and I want the baby to make it at least close to term ideally, but goddamn do I want to roll over in my sleep without needing to wake up all the way and struggle to flip over and reset all the freaking pillows I need to feel comfortable.
@eternalsunrise The good news is time really does go by REALLY fast! The newborn phase is survival mode only - the days blur together, and before you know it you have a one year old. Then you blink again and your baby is now going to kindergarten. Time really does fly by. In the moment it feels impossible to get through, but you will, and once baby gets in a good sleeping routine you'll largely forget about how hard it was before then.
@pinkflower It’s 4 am and I’m reading this knowing full well I haven’t slept enough and have to be up in an hour for a 12 hour shift…. 🤣 seriously 37w2d… insomnia now with no purpose…. Stop telling me how I won’t sleep later!!!!!
@pinkflower I’m up 3-4 times a night with my pets, plus twice to wee, and I’m only 19 weeks! I’ve had reflux and back pain for years and am used to waking up often to bottle feed kittens. I’m living the life of a new mum without the baby!
@pinkflower It's bullcrap! Yes babies wake you and you an be up 1-3hrs mid night. But your body is not aching and uncomfortable. When you do sleep it's like the dead.

I do suggest have Date Nights while you can! It could be a while :) not forever. But a while.
@pinkflower You WILL get less hours, that's not made up. HOWEVER, you will more than likely get better quality. I didn't, at first, only because of severe edema and had the excess fluid seeping into my lungs. I kept waking up gasping for air. I ended up in the ER 2 days after discharge, 48 hours no sleep, and numerous tests later. It sucked. But, yeah, less continuous hours of sleep for a while. So absolutely try to rest wherever and whenever you can. Anything less than 4 hours of sleep is dangerous for you and baby. I know it's gonna suck, what with everything that needs to be done. But again, the quality will be much better. Sure, you're healing, but now you can sleep on your back, lay down, take a hot bath...etc. And once baby has their circadian rhythm down you SHOULD get more hours of continued rest. But not every baby is the same, i know. Try to rest whenever you're able. It's annoying to hear it all of the time, i know, but it really is on point. Sleep WILL get better, i promise!
@pinkflower I hated this comment! As if you can save any sleep when the baby arrives.

Yeah you will get less sleep when the baby is born but guess what you’ll also get the adorable smiles, giggles and cuddles soon after. The newborn stage is also super short soak it in as much as you can 💖
@pinkflower I’m only 6 1/2 months at this point and my sleep is affected big time.I have 2 other kids that are school age that have to be up early and yea I’m just not ok at this point.

Sleep with a newborn is hard at times for sure but believe me you’ll take those solid 2-4 hours of uninterrupted sleep over being pregnant and just being so uncomfortable.I don’t understand why people think sleeping with a newborn is so hard it took me a week to adjust overall but I slept hard when I did and I didn’t care how long.

I sleep less now with an 8 & 6 year olds.
@pinkflower Baby has been here for 13 days. I haven't slept so well in weeks! Even if it's only 2 to 4 hour stretches, they are more restful than the sleep I got during pregnancy.
@pinkflower Don’t listen to people. I had insomnia when pregnant. Never slept. Once baby came I slept 8 hrs every day. My husband had 8 weeks paternity leave. He took days I took nights. We both got 8+ hrs of sleep. I pumped and used formula so I could get my sleep.
@pinkflower I wish to be able to store all sleep I had before 1st baby. Pregnancy was easier and I was just by myself.. 2and baby - not only all pleasures which you experiencing, plus other little human is waking you up. Muuch harder..

But I would say good luck! As your sleep will depend on a quality of sleep of your baby. You really may get more rest for first few months. Many of them such sleepy heads and that is before teething
@pinkflower After two kids, I think the things that made postpartum sleep difficult for me were 1. when I was pregnant, if I finally got comfortable, I could try to sleep. Once baby came and woke up whenever he/she wanted, it didn't matter if I was finally at a point /I/ could sleep. 2. Hormones. With both, I had insane postpartum anxiety issues for the first month or so. I remember after my second, sitting there trying to breastfeed her and spiralling out in my mind about the fact I had two kids to take care of now and oh my god I can't do it and feeling suffocated by responsibility in the moment.

My second is about to turn 3 next month and now of course I don't see it the way I did in those moments. That said, my first is nearly 10 and I can honestly say almost every night since having him in 2012, I probably only need two hands to count the amount of times I was able to sleep through a night without being woken up at least once lol
@pinkflower I don't know why people say this. 1) It's not like anyone wouldn't sleep as much as they can if they could. 2) It's not like you can store up enough sleep before the baby to make you not tired when the baby is here. That's not really how sleep works, lol.

I actually feel really lucky cause I'm reading so many posts like yours where pregnant women are having a hard time getting enough sleep, specially at the end of pregnancy. I'm 38W +4 days and I'm lucky to get plenty of sleep. We got a portable air conditioner for the bedroom to keep it cold and I have a fan on high hitting me all night. My husband keeps asking me how I'm not cold, but I think it feels perfect. Occasionally I get up to pee once a night, but not every night. Last night I didn't have to. The hardest part for me is the acid reflex. Sometimes I really want to lie down but can't cause it feels like daggers in my chest and then I need to burp and vomit rises up my throat and it's so frustrating and gross.
@pinkflower I have no doubt it’s going to be exhausting, but I’ve been annoyed with this my entire pregnancy. I’ve battled severe fatigue even in the second trimester. Was found to have low vitamin D and supplements have helped, but by the time I started those I was entering the third trimester when fatigue is bad anyway. I’m so exhausted all the time that I work from home on a computer all day and have to use my lunch break to nap because if I don’t I literally can’t get my brain to focus enough to get any work done.

Anyway, I don’t go around complaining or anything but when ppl bring up how I’m feeling (more than just “how are you” but people often ask more specifically what symptoms I’ve had) I’m honest about it. The amount of ppl who laugh at me and say “well better sleep now before the baby comes” is infuriating. As if this is a choice or I’m being a big baby about it. My eyes will burn like they do if you’ve stayed up all night and it’ll be noon after being awake for only about 3 hours. People just need to stop asking if they don’t intend on being supportive