SlEeP NoW bEfOrE tHe BaBy gEtS hErE

@pinkflower I fully agree on the better sleep once baby is here. For me it’s not true because (sorry) I’ve been sleeping totally fine, although I also have reflux and it’s so frustrating. I keep tweaking my diet and eventually I realized something as simple as butter was giving me reflux.

BUT the thing people never think of is right now you’re not sleeping because you’re hot and in pain and uncomfortable. Once the baby is here all of that goes away and the only reason for not sleeping is tending to the baby… so Atleast when you’re sleeping, although in small stints, it’s better quality for a few hours and easier to enjoy, rather than miserable for 8 hours because you’re in pain.
@pinkflower Amen. Our financial planner literally said this to us on Thursday. I’m 36 weeks pregnant so not sleeping for all the obvious physical reasons, and my husband is struggling to sleep amidst the anxiety of such a big upcoming change. Seriously 🖕🖕🖕🖕
@pinkflower The carpal tunnel pain is keeping me awake. My hands/arms fall asleep and then come back in pain. I can only sleep for 3 hours at a time. I'm also having braxton hicks and back pain so I'm just uncomfortable all the time. I hate people saying sleep while you can. I can't!!! That's the point!!
@pinkflower I have slept better the entire first 6 weeks of my baby’s life than I did almost the entire time I was pregnant. The quality of sleep is far far better, my baby is a decent sleeper, and I don’t really mind getting up a couple times a night to feed her. I barely slept at all when I was pregnant and I was miserable. Now I can sleep deeply in any position I want! And there’s a cute baby to look at when I’m not asleep so it actually feels worth it if I’m tired.
@pinkflower Im 2 weeks PP and sleeping so much better and in way longer stretches than I did the last few months of pregnancy. Those last few weeks are awful sleep wise. You’re getting so close! Just know it does get better!!!
@pinkflower 37 weeks and 1 day... even being awake is hard. I can't sleep at all. Laying on my side is horrible. Laying on my back horrible. Getting out of bed is horrible. I feel like a turtle on its back, even when I'm not on my back. My stomach is so sore 24/7 I just can't even.
@pinkflower I've got insomnia and a little one who likes to move nonstop at bedtime and then give himself hiccups when he finally does chill out.

I kinda envy my husband who can sleep through the apocalypse as I lay here daydreaming on what it was like to get good sleep.

As for the sleep now stuff, I kinda just die a little inside when someone tells me that before replying 'yeah well my LO said I don't deserve sleep.

Needless to say, I've been sleep deprived since like week 30 and don't remember what its like to not be tired anymore.
@pinkflower I think I’ve figured out in retrospect what people are trying to say and totally not saying right because sleep while super pregnant is impossible. I think what they mean is, if you can nap, effing do it. Never be ashamed of the nap. Never skip the nap. Nap. Revel in the nap. Screw everyone and everything for a nap.
@pinkflower Yeah I second this! I’m almost 37 weeks and my poor husband had to set up his new bed on the couch due to me constantly huffing and puffing in discomfort, and getting up to pee every 15 minutes lol my doctor did finally tell me to start taking Prilosec with Tums every day because my heartburn was just unbearable.