Show “Maid” feels triggering


New member
I’m only 2 episodes in on Netflix, but it feels so so triggering. I was essentially going through this exact scenario about a year ago and got a lucky break, but f**k I cried so hard after the first episode.

Would love to know if anyone else had the same reaction, or even send some love this way.
@cpf I cried, too. The DV shelter in my area saved my life. The abuse my ex did to me was actually very intense and seeing how awful her situation was made me see that my situation was actually WAY worse than I even realized. I just got a letter saying he will be sentenced early for breaking probation from what he did 2.5 years ago and I can attend or write another victim impact statement and the show made me kind of want to because I feel like I should fight DV but at the same time…I don’t want to open up those doors. His life went to shit after I escaped and it’s still awful so karma is taking care of it.
@katrina2017 So proud of you for leaving. Some people don’t have it in them to do that. It’s so hard! You’re strong-and especially mentally. Be proud of yourself for not falling into the cycle!!
@tony76 It took him holding me down with a knife in front of our 2 year old tellingme he was going to rape me and tie me down in the basement while ripping the hair out of my head to leave. It is really hard to realize you are being abused when you get so used to it. It is sad that i have to be thankful for that incident because it allowed me to run to the neighbor's and call the police so I had the law on my side. Watching that show and seeing how they treat her with no evidence of abuse made me realize I was really lucky to have that experience in order to be taken seriously. Honestly, the emotional abuse was way worse but the court doesn't see that. I don't think I could have gotten away if he didn't do what he did that one night.
@katrina2017 Oh my god I’m so sorry!! Take solace that your baby may have been too young to remember. I wish you love and strength going forward-never forget how strong you are.
@tony76 She was too young. She’s a super happy well adjusted 5 year old now! Things turned out fine but my heart hurts for those individuals still in nasty situations.
@cpf I’m further along in the series. And yes. Every episode hits me hard. I had to pause at the scene where she’s talking to Sean about his sobriety and said she wished he could’ve gotten sober during their relationship instead of after it ended. I had the same conversation with my children’s father recently and it’s very painful. I wish I had half the strength and resilience as the main character. Watching it makes me feel less alone in my struggles.
@cpf currently watching and i just left my mentally abusive, narcissistic ex. luckily the home is mine and i have lots of family support to lean on emotionally but it still is triggering. im glad there is awareness being shown about this topic tho!
@cpf I balled my eyes out every episode. I stayed up till 4 am watching the whole season. I found it eerily relatable. Like there’s things I’ve literally said to my ex, that was said in the show. And I found it SO inspiring. Whenever I’m feeling like I made a mistake by leaving, I seriously just think of what Alex and Sean went through/ are going through and I know I’m making the right choice. Because their relationship is a toxic cycle, and you can’t get better or be a better person while in a relationship. You have to make these changes on your own. Especially with a daughter that young involved.
@cpf I wont watch it. It probably ends with her doing well and that's not been my life experience so it feels too fairy taleish and i dont need that. I'm averse to feel good movies in general because of that though.
@cpf It was certainly an emotional watch. Scary, inspiring..... I don't want to say more as you've not watched it all. Virtual hugs your way! Bravo for escaping, you have real courage.
@cpf I felt so triggered that I almost couldn't continue watching, but I took it slow and finished. I am a single mom to a daughter and just left her dad/my abuser in June. My mom is also bipolar. I cried every episode.
@cpf It’s definitely triggering. There wasn’t one episode where I didn’t bawl my eyes out. It also made me feel understood and not so alone. And validated.
@cpf I have started and stopped the first episode a few times. One thing that stood out to me is how hard and in survival mode she is, which I can totally relate to. It made me feel uncomfortable. The violence is obviously very triggering. I am so glad I walked away in time! A single parent home is vastly better than a disturbed and chaotic home for both my LO and I. She is 5 now and I am still in survival mode but I am softening again and trying hard to stay in my feminine energy despite everything. My goal in the next year is to leave my current job and start my own business in my field. I forget to remind myself how far I have come! Don't forget to give yourselves the grace you deserve friends! Speak it into existence. Wish me luck😉 I wish you all your best lives💖
@cpf I too had the same reaction luckily for me when I left with just the clothes on my back I didn’t have a child but on the other hand I had no family to help either

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