TTC and had first fertility appointment. What a shit show

@dwdw2400 Thank you for sharing your story and I’m thrilled to know that you got your baby!! 🩷
Similarly, I monitor my diet and keep my sugar in check since diabetes does run in my family too. You would think I’m eating McDonald’s daily with the way this doctor was talking to me … honestly they’re so quick to assume it’s all unhealthy lifestyle when there are MANY factors that contribute to hashimotos and PCOS… they’re the experts, they should know!! I’m seeing my regular endo soon so I will talk to her about it since she’s known me since I was a teenager and here’s hoping the ball will be rolling with someone who isn’t so biased.
@pollinnna230 My cycles are like 35-45 days long and for my current pregnancy I ovulated on day 29. I did do Ozempic before TTC and lost ~20 lbs but was still at a high BMI. I’m about at the weight that I was before Ozempic at 37 weeks. I don’t think short term use of Ozempic is so bad. I haven’t gotten GD even though I have been on the edge for it since before getting pregnant. I also agree with everyone else posting here don’t go with doctors that dismiss you and make broad statements such as, “it won’t work you need to lose weight.”
@everydaylily Thank you for sharing your experience with Ozempic. I’m very hesitant because of the lack of research but I appreciate hearing real stories. How long did it take you to lose the 20 lbs on it?
@pollinnna230 I’m 5’ 8” and was 260, with PCOS and Hashimotos (hypothyroidism). Our first IVF cycle with ICSI was successful. The only concern my doctor voiced was that they used a nurse anesthesiologist in-house for the egg retrieval, and they evaluate airways for anyone over 38bmi. If your airway was small or obstructed due to weight, then you would have to do the retrieval at the hospital with the anesthesiology team (which costs significantly more if you’re paying out of pocket). My airway was fine, so we were able to do it in office and it was fine.

Are there other doctors or clinics in your area? Might be worth shopping around unfortunately.
@pollinnna230 I’m 5’2 and was 340 before getting pregnant on my second IUI. I also have PCOS. The first clinic I went to wouldn’t touch me until I lost 100 lbs. I told them to fuck off and called around until I found another clinic with no weight restrictions. I am being treated for GD right now- just due to my pcos diagnosis and they’re doing it as a precaution and I have an incompetent cervix (which can happen to anyone regardless of weight- and actually a higher weight = less risk of this. I just hit the jackpot 😂) but other than that I’ve had a relatively easy and healthy pregnancy and I’m about 32 weeks!
I would look around if possible for other clinics and ask about their restrictions if possible.
@pollinnna230 Firstly, look into a different doc. But secondly, the ozempic / mounjaro / etc can help with fertility. You’re not supposed to be trying to get pregnant on it, but there’s a lot of anecdotal evidence that it works, including my own story. I tried for a year while on Metformin. Our fertility doc said I didn’t have PCOS, and we were saving up for all those fun tests that are painful and expensive to try to figure out why tracking wasn’t working. In the interim, started mounjaro with a new doc and got pregnant on my third month of it.