Show “Maid” feels triggering

@cpf Yes! Right there with you! I cried for her and her daughter the entire time, as I’m going through a divorce. He was abusive and I have two babies. Everything was so relatable, but it felt great to see her provide and inspired me to stay strong for my own babies!
@cpf Yes- I am going through a very similar situation- my ex and father of my two kids 3 and 1 he was a mentally abusive alcoholic and a gambling addict- he always gaslights me and he is very controlling he still is. It was like walking on eggshells living with him it still feels that way even though we are not together- I am on my own with them and I am paying a lot of money on daycare and babysitting on the weekends so I can work and live. He is refusing to help pay for babysitting because he said “your job is not my problem” and “I didn’t want this you disbanded our family I was a family man” I barely have support from my family when it comes to them watching the kids or his for that matter
@cpf That moment when she arrives at the shelter in a taxi and the woman comes up to her “just breathe baby girl” I lost it…cried in a way I don’t think I have about what I went through. When I reached out for help I didn’t get a kind person like that woman. I’m in a better place now but this show is still so raw for anyone who has been through abuse. I see myself still protecting him or maybe myself? Not admitting that it was as bad as it was. I feel like no one believed me. The emotions that came up tell me I still need help..I’ve been so angry and raw since watching it. I just want to feel worth something again. Not just surviving but actually feel like I can be worth loving…my baby is 5 it’s time for the next part