School sending invites to a church fashion show

@todayisanewday My daughter is in dance as well. And as you said, that’s a situation where we’re able to aid and there’s established trust, and ours makes sure the girls have bathrooms or other enclosed spaces for privacy if wanted/needed.
@simplysamie Nope, this is super inappropriate. Both because parents aren’t allowed to be present during changing and because a public school is promoting a church event.

It might be one thing if you were part of an organized activity where routines were established (gymnastics, dance, etc). But it’s another to have total strangers just send a flyer home.

I’d definitely call up the school and start asking questions. Is the school taking responsibility for the kids’ safety during this event? If not, why are they promoting it?
@simplysamie I am hoping the no parents thing was a misguided attempt at protecting the kids (with the logic that some parents are creeps and they don’t want to give those people an easy way to look at everyone else’s kids changing) but I would absolutely not allow my child to attend. If it’s a public school, advertisements for church activities being sent home really bothers me as well.
@simplysamie You're not wrong to feel weird.

I was in a church 'fashion show' once and even at age 10 or so, it felt odd. Like, the ladies auxiliary of the church was basically doing it as a fund raiser so it was a luncheon and the 'entertainment' was watching a bunch of kids 'modeling' outfits from random donation racks. The organizers were older so I'm sure they thought it wasn't a big deal for a bunch of kids to change clothes in the back room of the church hall.

The intention was for it to be like a cute thing and a way for Confirmation candidates to get some volunteer hours, but looking back, it definitely would have been an opportunity for pedophiles to get a look at little girls changing their clothes.

It's surprising to me that the school would become involved in this at all. Like, why risk the optics?
@simplysamie Who fucking thought this was a good idea, surely not the teacher? I would raise hell. Little kids invited to a hotbed for sexual abuse with no parents invited during the time kids are changing clothes? The red flags are giant billboards on this one.
@dale_r I ended emailing the school using some wording suggested by someone else. I got a generic “the school board approved all fliers before they are sent home to students” response. I’m debating how next to handle it.
@simplysamie I'd go physically to the office and meet with the principal about how inappropriate this is, and follow up with an email to the superintendent if you don't get a good response.
@anishpreshy I can see it happening for sports where typically volunteers have passed police checks and are trusted familiar faces.

OP's description sounds like the little girls are being dropped off to a bunch of randos at a church.
@simplysamie All of the reasons of creep factor above, but I also hate when churches try to lure kids in. This reeks of that kind of innocent secular sounding event to get you in the door. Stop giving my kid free popcorn at a street festival with an invite to your church stapled to it. Stop throwing movie nights in the park that are advertised as just family fun but start and end in prayer and you get tons of literature and an invite to your church.

My kid wants to be around other kids in an environment that is welcoming and fun, so this kind of thing draws her in. She gets mad when I say absolutely not, she feels like she’s being made to miss out on fun, but I don’t want her getting lured into a cult. She’s too young to understand it, and I’ll cut a bitch who tries to preach fire and brimstone to my kids.
@simplysamie Ah yea no, my kid isn’t going anywhere and then undressing with some strangers for a fashion show without one of his parents or guardians being there. In a church of all places.
@simplysamie This would be a hard no from me and I would absolutely say something to the school. But I’m also an atheist and I don’t trust most religious organizations. Definitely wouldn’t trust them around my kids alone.
@simplysamie No effing way I'd let my kid near this.

It would be totally inappropriate if it were the school, but a church is even farther over the line.

I would for sure complain all the way up the chain expressing how inappropriate this is.
@simplysamie Our school shares a lot of information for various social events, some are hosted by churches many aren’t. Sharing social events doesn’t bother me personally, even if it’s hosted by a church We have found some fun low cost/free activities or events this way.

The description of this event is not something I would personally participate in because the vague description and parents not being able to attend until several hours later.
@simplysamie Using peoples children in an of itself is gross. What’s the point of this? Why is it happening? What is the church intent? Is there any cause that they are boasting with it? Just a vague little leaflet that tells you to drop off your 5-10 year old child unattended in underclothes and you’re not allowed to be there for 3 hours?! Oh and they aren’t allowed to have cellphones?! What the actual f*ck.

This is not safe in any capacity. I won’t allow my girl to have sleepovers and this is with people I KNOW!

I would be posting in public city groups and contacting the media. The school is just as complicit if they are the ones promoting it.

I wouldn’t want to risk any child in a potentially unsafe situation. Please tell others.
@simplysamie So we get church sponsored invites through school (they include the "not endorsed by district" typed at bottom). I hope it is something innocent like a previous commenter mentioned - someone older who doesn't realize how different things are now. Maybe email the organizer and school and explain your concerns and ask for clarification?