Shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t do that…

@kittymeow1919 Do what works for you! Our baby slept with us since week 3 and been going to sleep, on his own, in his crib since month 3. And he wouldn’t need any of the crap people have been telling me to do, I still cuddle with him sometimes if he can’t go to sleep. What works best is creating a routine so that they know when is sleeping time.
@kittymeow1919 When my oldest was first born and during my first pregnancy, Google was my best friend and my enemy! It made me so anxious all the time and I felt like a huge failure! My best advice to every new parent is to do what works for your family because that’s ultimately who matters. If bedsharing is your thing, do it. If you have to bottle feed and rock your baby to sleep, do it.
@kittymeow1919 I’m right there with you. I got so frustrated with the downright shaming I got for giving my baby a pacifier and a swaddle. “Your baby doesn’t need them.” Narrator: that was a lie.

I did my best to push it out of my mind and my now 9mo has been the one to drop the crutch. He fought co-sleeping, forcing us to sleep train. He fought contact napping, forcing us to nap train. He throws his pacifier out of the crib and hasn’t put it in his mouth for months. He drops bottles and eats more food.

Your baby might not be riding bikes and writing novels, but she knows what she wants and don’t let the internet tell you she doesn’t. These people are ridiculous.
@kittymeow1919 My baby is 10 months old and I've nursed her to sleep every single night and now she even has times when she wakes up a little when I put her in her crib and goes right back to sleep. Do what works, momma!!
@kittymeow1919 I really believe that when it comes to mommy groups and blogs, it’s a damned if you do/damned if you don’t situation. I have a 6 month old, and I stay out of them for the most part. When I do venture into them, I take everything with a grain of salt. Even advice from my mom and MIL. Every baby is different, and unless the pediatrician is concerned about something, I’m okay. I have noticed that my kid does better with a somewhat steady routine for bedtime, though, so we stick with that. He gets some solid food and a bottle, then his jammies and a clean diaper (if necessary). I rock him and sing to him until he’s out, then put him in the crib with his wubb and this vibrating, musical puppy thing. He’s pretty good about sleeping through now, but sometimes he wakes up and that’s okay.
@kittymeow1919 im also 32F, currently nursing my 11.5 month old to sleep! lol theres a lot of shouldn't do this shouldn't do that in life in general i don't listen and create my own reality the way i want :)
@kittymeow1919 There a times where my daughter is struggling and needs cuddles to get to sleep. And then there are times like tonight where she got tired in her playpen and just rolled over and went to sleep. I read this things too and while I do take note of any interesting tips, I take a lot of it with the most gigantic grain of salt.
@kittymeow1919 Yeah I hate this culture. I have cuddled and fed my baby to sleep since day dot and he sleeps through most nights. They learn it themselves, you don't have to teach them.
@kittymeow1919 I decided early on that I don't care about what others say (unless they are professionals), I would what I think is the best for my child and our family. My son will be 3 this summer and it has worked wonderfully so far. Which is not so surprising since there's no additional stress or anxiety!

I nursed my son to sleep until he was 21 months old and I still cuddle him to sleep. I know this way is not perfect for everybody..but it's perfect for us! It's such a nice way to end up the day - just two of us chatting, joking, cuddling. Plus it has always been the quickest way for my son to fall asleep which was extremely helpful when he was an infant and was not sleeping too well :D

And yup, people have told me that I will regret it because apparently if my son is not falling asleep independently at age of 2 then it automatically means that I will still cuddle him to sleep at age of 18?! Which is of course ridiculous!
@kittymeow1919 So I have been very chill about everything. I haven't been super strict with routines and doing it the book-way. I've just followed my guts and my baby's signals. AND... it's going great!

I rocked/breastfed my baby to sleep for almost 4 months and suddenly she didn't need it anymore. Some days now and again she wants to be rocked to sleep or breastfed to sleep, but it rarely happens anymore. And it just happened naturally... I didn't do anything to change our routine.

I'm not stressed about anything, baby is sleeping well. She sleeps from 21:00 pm to 08:00 or even 09:00 am. I lay her in bed with her pacifier and she falls asleep after 5-30 minutes. She wakes up maybe twice to feed, depending on the period we're in (we're in leap 5 now, so she wakes up often and struggles to fall asleep) and again, I haven't done anything to make her sleep that long, it just happened over time.

Napping in the daytime goes really well. With time I've discovered her limit before getting overtired is 2 hours. So two hours after last nap she'll nap again.

Following my gut feeling and her signals has helped me so much more than any book. 👏🏼
@kittymeow1919 Here's the thing about all the stuff you read online, each baby is different. What they can put online is really just what the babies did in the study, and what an "average" or "typical" baby will be like. But, since every baby is different, you can't really use that stuff as a rule. It can be a guideline but that's it. You have to find what works for you and your LO. If that means you nurse baby to sleep, then do it. I think people put too much stock into sleep training and stuff. They're only little for so long, enjoy it, enjoy the bedtime cuddles because before you know it, you don't need to give them anymore, and they'll sleep on their own. (Mine has done this. I miss her falling asleep on me).
@kittymeow1919 I did all the ‘bad’ habits with my daughter, when that no longer worked for either of us, I changed it up. Fuck TCB, she’s totally playing her title as a Nurse! Guess what so am I, babies aren’t clever enough to figure any of that shit out that you spew! Both my kids sleep through the night despite my nipples and cuddles. I just rocked my son to sleep and both children are still asleep whilst I took a nap!!
@kittymeow1919 OmG yes. The internet and the advice out there (especially in here) is very US-centric so it sometimes can be annoying or just useless to the rest of us.

Where I am from, just as an example, people don't have nurseries at all - baby always sleeps in parents' room, and no one ever "sleep trains", whatever that may be. People just accept that newborns need time to develop a routine.

However, I would not be surprised if these ideas seep into our society as well, since online you get the feeling that sleep training is an obligatory stage in raising your baby.
@kittymeow1919 It’s all BS honestly. So many moms who sleep train have to do it AGAIN and AGAIN. I can’t imagine.

I’ve coslept with my son and nursed him to sleep since he was born. Depending on his growth spurts and teething, he wakes anywhere from 1-4x a night on average. Last night he woke up SEVEN times, and surprise! he has four teeth coming in at once. I’m so glad I can nurse him back to sleep in less than 5 mins so we all get more rest on nights like that. Babies aren’t linear and trying to make them into these sleep robots is just wrong on so many levels.