@psyman My kiddo went from 7lbs 14oz to 16lbs 3oz in 2 months
He doesn't fit into any of the 0-3m clothes anymore, and comparing his newborn clothes to him now really puts into perspective just how big he's gotten.
I'm beyond pleased that he's growing so well, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't bother me. Lad doesn't fit into some of my favorite outfits for him anymore, and since we've got ample video recorded, I can say definitively that his voice has changed.
I'll never get to hold his little, itty bitty self again.
It's wonderful and terrible in equal measure. I can only savor the experience I get now and keep documenting. At first I thought it was crass of me to take video of him when the nurse first wheeled him into the hospital room, but now it's one of my smartest decisions. Gotta keep it up so 20 years from now, I've got things to look back on.