She doesn’t fit newborn or 0-3 anymore

@psyman I was mostly just surprised with the clothes but am now freaked out that she’s outgrowing her bassinet. She’s only 9 weeks but was teeny tiny when she was born at 41 weeks. She didn’t fit into her newborn size clothes! Now I seems like she skipped right over size 1 diapers and has 0-3 month clothes that are too small. I’m definitely not ready to move her out of our room so I guess we’re going to use the travel crib if it fits 🥲
@outofplace_christian Oh my goodness how could I forget this! Ours stretches out fully and her tippy toes and fingers touch the ends of the bassinet as of this past week, so we said she only has until the end of the month in there and then we’ll move her into a crib (still in our room) until she’s a bit older 🥹 the first day she sleeps in her own room I just know I’m gonna be a mess. I’ll probably sleep on the floor in there for a few nights. 😭😩
@psyman We had to transition to 3-6 mo clothes at 5 weeks because my girl is really long. Now that we’re at 8 weeks, I can tell 3-6 mo clothes are starting to get a little short on her, but still fit around her tummy. We won’t be in those for very much longer too. 🥲
@psyman I sometimes feel sad seeing my LO growing out of my hands. She used to fit in my palms, literally. Now, she doesn't fit into 3-6m onesies at 4month mark. But I'm living the moment and enjoying her growth milestones. She’s so ecstatic to see me after work, and screams happily when I talk. It’s surreal.
@psyman My kiddo went from 7lbs 14oz to 16lbs 3oz in 2 months

He doesn't fit into any of the 0-3m clothes anymore, and comparing his newborn clothes to him now really puts into perspective just how big he's gotten.

I'm beyond pleased that he's growing so well, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't bother me. Lad doesn't fit into some of my favorite outfits for him anymore, and since we've got ample video recorded, I can say definitively that his voice has changed.

I'll never get to hold his little, itty bitty self again.

It's wonderful and terrible in equal measure. I can only savor the experience I get now and keep documenting. At first I thought it was crass of me to take video of him when the nurse first wheeled him into the hospital room, but now it's one of my smartest decisions. Gotta keep it up so 20 years from now, I've got things to look back on.
@psyman Gahh I feel you. Ours never fit into NB size and at 8weeks is 14lbs and already fully in 3-6m and has been in size 2 diapers since 6 weeks. I see tiny newborns and I’m like wow we missed that whole phase 😭 (he was 11lb at birth)
They grow so fasttttt

I saw a video about all the “newborn things” and just sobbed
@psyman This really is it. I am so tired in ways that I can’t explain, but when she learns something new & goes up a size I just cry because where is the time going. My 2lb, 31 weeker is really a little person now. They’re right when they say the days are long but the years are short. sigh
@psyman It’s been hard. My girl is 10 weeks and has been wearing 3-6 for about a week now. She also just hit 13 lbs. I can’t bear to put away her 0-3 month sleepers yet.

She’s 24 Inches so she’s almost too long for some 3-6 months as well. Not sure what to do if she outgrows this size so quickly.
@psyman You have to focus on what they can do now, the positives and live in the moment. Otherwise you’ll miss the things she can do/does now while you’re imagining how it used to be. It’s so hard, but this is the only thing that helps me.
@psyman My baby was a 4.5-pound 33-weeker and is now a 13-pound five-month-old too! We moved to 3-6 clothes recently and I had the same emotions. So happy she’s growing and so sad she’s not a tiny little babe anymore. I’m leaning in to excitement over all the cute new outfits we get to put her in, though. This is the size we have the most clothes in, and I think she’ll be in it for a long time. She’s still swimming in them right now, but 0-3 is too tight.
@dichthuatsaigon Awww!!! And same, so many cute outfits!!! I can’t wait for that, but I’m still grieving the preemie, newborn, and 0-3 outfits. It felt like she was in the preemie ones forever and she was floating in newborn. Then she was floating in 0-3. Then floating in 3-6, and now, just like that, 3-6 is where she’s most comfortable. I can’t believe it.
@psyman It’s so wild. I look at the 12-month clothes we have and can’t believe how huge they are and that she’ll hypothetically be starting to fit in them in the next ~6 months.
@psyman When I packed up my baby’s first round of clothes I thought “alright packing these away for next year….. oh wait… these will never fit her again” 🥺 and I cried and cried