Sharing a crib


New member
My in laws are all about buying the crib, but we just found out at 13 weeks that we're expecting twins. I asked if I need to add a crib to my registry and they said "well we know twins and they just shared a crib up until like 6 months". Regardless we still want another crib, it doesn't need to be immediate but especially once they start becoming mobile on their own, standing up etc. I just wanted to hear some of your thoughts on sharing a crib or did you immediately have them separated between two cribs? I appreciate your time!
@smaxiner Mine were separated straight away and quite pleased with that since twin A decided early on that he likes scooching about in his bed. Wouldn't have worked if they need to share
@smaxiner We let them share a pack and play for naps during the day when they were tiny. But that was before they could roll over, and while we were awake and could constantly keep an eye on them. I would not have felt comfortable letting them sleep together at night. Even without rolling, they still moved around a lot. Plus, even during their day naps, they started waking each other up.
@smaxiner Safe sleep guidelines show that each baby needs their own separate sleep space. Even as newborns they will wiggle and move around while sleeping. The only thing in the crib/bassinet/pack n play should be a single baby on a firm mattress with a fitted sheet.
@smaxiner Mine would not share a crib. It isn't exactly advised for safety reasons but even so one of my twins was very irritable if I ever did try to even nap them together and would fight until they had their own space and then immediately relax. (This child also didn't like rocking, excessive cuddling, baby wearing or anything like that and still is very selective about their snuggles. Much like a cat 😂)
@smaxiner Mine shared until they started moving around and rolling. Around 3 or 4 months.

Also… yes add it to your registry. Even if it’s not an immediate need - if someone wants to gift it, why not receive that gift? Otherwise you’re gonna shell out your own cash on it a few months in…

You’re gonna get a lot of advice especially from earlier generations that’s just flat out wrong and it’s hard telling them that, but it’s necessary.
@smaxiner We had separate bassinets at first then a shared crib when they outgrew them, but were still immobile. When they started spinning around, around 4 months, we got a second crib for them.
@smaxiner In the UK sharing a crib is allowed BUT only until 2 months old and the baby’s must be swaddled and placed parallel with the head and footer board rather than perpendicular like you normally would, you must also leave 2 baby’s worth of space between them

If they start showing signs of rolling or rocking you are to stop sharing immediately

It’s called CO bedding and the NHS in the uk says it’s ok but only under these conditions
@smaxiner There’s ways of sleep sharing that are accepted and safe in other countries (I’m in US) such as both at each foot of the bed.

We had a twin bassinet at first where they were separated by mesh and after that we had them each in mini cribs. For naps, I would sometimes put the twin z in a mini crib and they’d sleep there, or they’d sleep in the mini crib together, but I was right next to them on the couch or walking by every 10-15 mins (we have a very small apartment).

If your in-laws don’t want to buy two cribs, you can accept one and buy the other yourself (or other grandparents). Alternatively, you can ask them to contribute in a different way. We asked my parents to buy us the fancy double stroller and our in laws got us the car seats. We found 2 used mini cribs in near new condition (they were at gramas house) for $200. In our city, there’s a big and generous twin community so we have managed to get many things at a steep discount or free. Look around and you might be able to find some for a good price!!
@kody Plenty of stuff is on the market as safe in county A because it is safe, but it’s not available in country B because it’s deemed too unsafe to be worth the class actions. So there’s that too.

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