My baby will be 10 months by the time this trip takes place August 29th. We ebf and cosleep. He will take a bottle but I stay at home with him and we are together pretty much 24/7 besides the very occasional 2-4 hour outing. He has grown almost as attached to dad in the last couple of months but at night he just wants me.
This trip will be 7 hours away from home and it would mean 3 nights away. My compromise is for my husband and baby to stay at an air bnb right down the road so I can go do night feedings and pop in once in a while throughout the day.
My friend feels this is ridiculous and is telling me I am showing signs of postpartum anxiety/depression. I feel in my heart that I am coming from a rational place of a mother that breastfeeds and has a close bond with her less than a year old baby.
None of my friends breastfed and I feel they just don’t understand that it is different. I don’t make them feel bad for their parenting styles and I don’t think there is anything wrong with either choices but this is my way. I’m just having so much anxiety about this trip and I also can hardly afford it so that’s another separate issue. I want to be there for my friend but I wish I could just not go and have her be understanding. I know that wouldn’t be the case though as she is already making a big fuss about my compromise.
I’m just looking for some advice or just some words of comfort/understanding. Thank you for reading.
Update: I wish I could individually respond to all of you as I am so very grateful for all of your responses. I’m taking all of your feedback- the experienced advice and or words of solidarity. I haven’t posted much on Reddit and wish I had for other circumstances as this has been so helpful and comforting.
I texted my friend and let her know that I will only be going on this trip if I can prioritize my baby without judgement. I told her that the only reason I’m even considering going at all is because of how much she means to me and that I want so badly to be able to celebrate her and that I hope she can understand. She called me and apologized. She does have a 3 yo son and her circumstances were much different from ours so she explained that she had to stop and put things into perspective to see where I’m coming from. She is also dealing with a lot so I understand her momentary lack of judgment/understanding and appreciate her apology. I’m going to go and will be staying at the air bnb with my family and popping in and out of the bachelorette festivities as @cristinasorina suggested.
Thank you all so much again!! You’ve given me the confidence I’ve needed to face this head on and I feel so much better.
This trip will be 7 hours away from home and it would mean 3 nights away. My compromise is for my husband and baby to stay at an air bnb right down the road so I can go do night feedings and pop in once in a while throughout the day.
My friend feels this is ridiculous and is telling me I am showing signs of postpartum anxiety/depression. I feel in my heart that I am coming from a rational place of a mother that breastfeeds and has a close bond with her less than a year old baby.
None of my friends breastfed and I feel they just don’t understand that it is different. I don’t make them feel bad for their parenting styles and I don’t think there is anything wrong with either choices but this is my way. I’m just having so much anxiety about this trip and I also can hardly afford it so that’s another separate issue. I want to be there for my friend but I wish I could just not go and have her be understanding. I know that wouldn’t be the case though as she is already making a big fuss about my compromise.
I’m just looking for some advice or just some words of comfort/understanding. Thank you for reading.
Update: I wish I could individually respond to all of you as I am so very grateful for all of your responses. I’m taking all of your feedback- the experienced advice and or words of solidarity. I haven’t posted much on Reddit and wish I had for other circumstances as this has been so helpful and comforting.
I texted my friend and let her know that I will only be going on this trip if I can prioritize my baby without judgement. I told her that the only reason I’m even considering going at all is because of how much she means to me and that I want so badly to be able to celebrate her and that I hope she can understand. She called me and apologized. She does have a 3 yo son and her circumstances were much different from ours so she explained that she had to stop and put things into perspective to see where I’m coming from. She is also dealing with a lot so I understand her momentary lack of judgment/understanding and appreciate her apology. I’m going to go and will be staying at the air bnb with my family and popping in and out of the bachelorette festivities as @cristinasorina suggested.
Thank you all so much again!! You’ve given me the confidence I’ve needed to face this head on and I feel so much better.