Secret day off...Update!

@maves Yes called self love. We can't run on empty. I am glad you enjoyed the day! However I would like to add to moms who can't afford to spend $100+ on their days off, please please don't feel bad for doing things that are free or on a budget! Such as a stroll in the park, picking up some things for yourself etc. Us women often think we need to pamper ourselves to manicures or hair dyes or beauty spas etc, but self love is anything that is LOVE to yourself. Whatever gives you joy!
@maves Good for you!

When my kids were in daycare, my husband and I would take the afternoon off and have a afternoon date. We would go to the theater with food and beer and watch a movie. I always felt a little guilty picking the kids up after.
@maves Haha love it! I have a random half day off in July (time off that I have to use or lose). Can’t wfh as I have an in-person meeting so I’m travelling to London anyway. Seems silly to haul up there for 3.5 hours but never mind.

So I booked a cheap solo ticket to go see the Cabaret musical. It’s a matinee so I’ll finish work at 12.30, grab some lunch, watch the show and then head home. I’ll be home around normal time. I think I’m going to do it each year with my random half day leftover holiday!
@maves Good for you!!! Honestly everyone deserves to have a little secret, and this is the kind that hurts no one. I’m glad you did it and I also love how your husband responded. You sound like a good pair.
@maves I absolutely love you did this for you!! I wish I could do this! I'm a SAHM for 4 littles (3 year old and 8 month old triplets) also have a 12 year old. I do have my in laws and my mom helping at opposite times. But to have 8 hours to do something for me goodness even an hour would be nice.. going out with a friend for dinner sounds lovely! A nap sounds lovely too haha!