My little secret ;)

@peacewithin If baby starts waking up when you come inside, take the coffee with you in a yeti thermos and drink it in the car when you get home. Or, if your baby ends up being like my oldest one and wakes up any time the car stops moving, go through the drive through at Starbucks and enjoy a leisurely drive while you drink it!
@peacewithin Same girl! I do this with my 6 week old (except I just go back to sleep for awhile...I call it “second sleep”). It’s wonderful! Hopefully I’ll be able to keep it up for the rest of maternity leave, haha
@peacewithin Haha! Good edit! Not because I would judge, kids are heavy, and I bet you would probably pick a shady spot, leave the windows cracked, sit where you can hear him scream, whatever... But because so many other people would write awful things instead of Congratulations on finding a way to human a little while every day, and I really want you to enjoy coffee and Reddit time!!! Your puppy needs you! You deserve quiet sips of coffee!!

Man I can't wait until my kids are older and go through the "mom is NOT cool" phase. I am all touched out!

(But I really hope they still hug me occasionally during that phase too, because I am apparently a crazy person who has NO IDEA what I really want!)
@katrina2017 Serious Question: Would that be so bad if it were in a locked garage attached to the house? I used to do that, (and still sometimes do), with my boys because they would not transfer well, but I had a whole routine. I would close the garage, open both sliding doors of the minivan, get the cordless home phone and call my cell phone, answer, put the cordless phone on speaker, put the cell phone on speaker and mute, put the cordless phone in the van next to the sleeping child, keep my cell phone next to me and use it as a de facto baby monitor. I would leave the door from the house into the garage open, and physically check on them every 5-7 minutes.

The ONLY way I can think of this being an issue, is it may make kids slightly more comfortable with being alone in cars, (which is scary AF), but I would make sure get them as soon as they started to stir. The neighborhood is safe, the garage is insulated and temperate. You could always do some crazy ‘what if’ mental gymnastics, but I don’t put much stock into that type of thing.

Seriously though, if someone sees something unsafe about this scenario that I haven’t thought of, I would be very interested to hear.
@samofgerald I don’t see any problem with it if the temperature is ok. When my twins were babies, they both fell asleep in the car. I was so exhausted that when we pulled into the garage, I put my seat back and joined them. We all got an amazing 30-40 minute glorious nap.
@samofgerald A quick Google didn't give me any sources (only stuff about the big garage door) but my mom never liked the house door being open because of car exhaust chemical crap getting in the house. And whenever she drove into the garage she'd park, turn off the car, let it sit for a few minutes, and then close the door to avoid carbon monoxide or whatever. I have no idea if this had a basis in reality or not. It might've been some paranoia of car ports vs garages.
That said, I'd totally do your trick (after letting the garage air out because I inherited all my mom's paranoia).
@samofgerald I an definitely no expert and not judging but I hear on other baby related subs that it increases their chances of positional asphyxiation because (I think) it leaves their head in a position where it could slump and block their airway? I never had a baby who woke the second the engine stopped (😭) so it never came up.
@kimmy7489 Iirc this is a legit tactic in Scandinavia - babies are who wrapped up warm and then left outside to snooze sleep really well, because humans tend to sleep more soundly if our heads are cool and bodies are warm!