Scented v. Unscented wipes


New member
How do you test and see if your LO can tolerate scented baby wipes? Our daughter is 8 weeks old and has used unscented wipes since birth, but my mom bought us a huge box of “baby fresh” scented pampers wipes that I didn’t realize were scented until tonight. I don’t want to test them on her during a diaper change, seems like some sensitive areas to irritate if we don’t have to.

We’ve accidentally washed her clothes with our laundry detergent instead of the “free and clear” kind and she hasn’t had any reactions to that, so maybe she’ll be fine? First time dad here so just want to make sure she’ll be okay.
@vxf91 Whyyyyy does anything need to be scented? I’m just against anything extra like that. Our toilet paper isn’t scented lol. It’s just unnecessary but I’d probably try them out if they were free.
@vxf91 Got some lightly scented ones before realising water wipes were a thing, just going to use them later on when baby is a bit older instead of on his newborn skin. Perhaps you could do the same, use them later on.
@vxf91 My baby didn’t react to them when bought accidentally and has sensitive skin but omg my postpartum nose could not handle them and they were revolting to me. For some ridiculous reason Pampers diapers are also “lightly” scented so if she can tolerate those I’d assume the baby wipes would be okay. But you can always make use of the wipes as hand wipes for yourselves and quick spill cleanups if you don’t want to risk.
@vxf91 We use the water wipes, I think it's literally just water with citric acid not all the other crap they have. Part of me thinks if they were free, give it a whirl and see what happens but the other part says don't use scented stuff with lots of ingredients that could potentially make her skin react.
@dpax1231 That’s what I think too. I don’t want to seem ungrateful or for them to go to waste, but I also don’t want to risk irritating her skin if we don’t have to.
@vxf91 Yeahhhh if you're worried about it you could always see if they want the wipes back- everyone could use wipes every now and then. Just tell her you can't use the scented ones on her skin.
@vxf91 Use them for other things :)

Baby wipes are pure gold for cleaning literally everything(I'm talking shoes, furniture, spills in the car, you name it)!
Save your good wipes for your bubs and use the scented ones for the other stuff.
@vxf91 Just a warning about Pampers wipes: something in them causes burning in a lot of people, even the unscented ones. My son cried during diaper changes when I was using them and I wasn't sure why. I looked up reviews and a lot of people complained about it burning their babies skin. I tried them on myself and, oh my god, it was like rubbing alcohol on a cut. I threw them out. I don't even think they had alcohol in them, but it felt like it.
@rhaeselon Same here. Had the unscented ones and they gave baby such terrible diaper rash and stung my hands when I used them. My hands were cracked from the cold winter and it was like lemon juice in cuts. We use Water Wipes now.
@vxf91 Use them for other things, as others have suggested. Put them in the bathroom for adult use or use them to wipe your hands at your changing station?

Perhaps the gifter had good intentions, but whenever my mother gives us with supposed good intentions items that are clearly not ideal for newborn use— including scented wipes— she’s lazily purchasing and saying she “didn’t notice” that they were scented, etc. She expects us to make a fuss for her gesture and it’s honestly annoying because most of her gestures aren’t actually thoughtful. It’d be thoughtful if she got us water wipes.
@ahsgjhhkjh Haha hi, is my mum yours too? I love her, and also wish she would just ask what would be helpful instead of just sending things. Again, don’t want to sound ungrateful, but at the end of the day these aren’t helpful. I’m the oldest of three so establishing those boundaries is still a work in progress, but hopefully we can get there one day.

But we’ll keep them on hand for when she’s older or for other uses as others have suggested.