Sad week9 ultrasound

@xu%C3%A2n0496 I’m so deeply sorry. To your comment about r/pregnancyloss being empty, the r/babyloss community is quite active and is for pregnancy losses as well as older children ❤️
@xu%C3%A2n0496 I’m so sorry this happened to you. I can speak from experience, the moment you go from excitement to realizing there’s no longer a heartbeat is one of the worst moments in life and I’ve since thought back on it many times. It was just so surreal.

The D&C gave me a lot of closure, I’m hoping it does the same for you 💗
@xu%C3%A2n0496 I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I was in a similar situation back in November 2020. Went in around 8 weeks pregnant after trying for 8 years, only to find out I had no fetus growing. The gestational sac grew to about 7 weeks but was empty. I was in disbelief I was alone because my husband couldn’t come in to the appointment because of Covid restrictions. I was told to run up to get my blood drawn to see what my hormone levels read, I was completely numb until I came out and got in the car where my husband was waiting for me. That’s when I completely lost it, cried for our hour long commute home. In December, on my last day of work before winter break started for the preschool I work at I had a D&C performed. All Christmas gifts were thrown away because they were bought before we found out it wasn’t a viable pregnancy. I skipped Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family that year without telling them what happened. This would have been the first grand baby for my parents. How could I disappoint them by telling them I was pregnant and I lost it? It was a hard discussion and I ended up telling them on New Year’s Day what happened.

Everyone kept telling me how easy it would be for me to get pregnant again and not to be surprised if I was pregnant by the end of 2021.

Well, August 2021 comes around I’m packing for my friend’s bachelor party and I realize I’m late. I take a test and was shocked to see a plus sign. I didn’t get excited and buy anything until after my first appointment which ended up on my mom’s birthday. We ended up taking her to our first baseball game since Covid hit, where I surprised her with my ultrasound pictures. Now, I’m 37 weeks pregnant and have a breeched little dude on my hands and have to decide if I want to have him manually rotated or opt for a C-Section.

Don’t give up, after everything you were able to get pregnant after everything you tried on your own. You never know! And what I realized through everything I went through is that there are so many people that go through this same thing. You won’t know until you start to talk about it. Talking about it really helped me through it. I ended up with people to lean on.
@xu%C3%A2n0496 That’s so sad. My heart breaks for you.

It’s not much comfort, but when all else fails, remember it won’t hurt this badly forever. Humans are resilient and strong, you have the ability to rise from the ashes with time.

But for now, feel as sad as you need.

I hope you are successful next time ❤️
@xu%C3%A2n0496 I'm sorry for your loss.

You are already so strong by making it this far and anything that comes your way is just another obstacle that you will get through. Keep on fighting and believing that whatever happens it's going to be okay and that you are strong and can make it through.
@xu%C3%A2n0496 I’m so sorry for your loss. We were also TTC for three years and I’m only a little ahead of you, so I think that you and I line up time-wise … I can’t possibly imagine how you feel, but I’m still walking with you, every step of the way. 💜💜💜💜💜
@xu%C3%A2n0496 Im so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you had a silent or missed miscarriage. I had one in October at 9w. Im happy to know you’re gonna keep trying, don’t give up.