Sad week9 ultrasound


New member
TW: loss

It was supposed to be a happy day. I was supposed to get pictures to show when we share our joy. The doctor said baby stopped growing at 7 weeks. I was still having morning sickness, fatigue, food aversions, extreme breast soreness. We are devastated. This is after 3 years of trying, going to fertility specialist for hormone leveling. We managed to conceive on our own! We were ecstatic. We had names picked. Planning on and looking forward to all those moments (good and bad, I’m not dumb). Now I’m scheduling a D&C. We’ll keep trying. I’ll go back to that subreddit. But r/pregnancyloss is empty and I just needed to share. This depression is heavy.
@xu%C3%A2n0496 I'm so sorry for your loss. Missed miscarriage is so heartbreaking. I found a lot of comfort at r/miscarriage and r/ttcafterloss.
Please be gentle on yourself and allow time to grieve and heal, however that looks for you. Some days will be easier than others, but know that you did nothing wrong.
@xu%C3%A2n0496 The folks over at r/trollingforababy will welcome you with open arms.

Very dark humour about fertility treatment and a great place to be as salty as you need to be with zero judgement.

Sending you so so so so much Internet love.
@xu%C3%A2n0496 No worries, it took me four years and several losses to get where we are. I know your pain, I know there's nothing I can say to make it better but I can at least show you to a safe space x
@xu%C3%A2n0496 I am so sorry this happened to you. I know from personal experience how heartbreaking this is, as I experienced similar back in Sept.2020, when at my 10 week ultrasound, they said my pregnancy never developed a fetus (called a blighted ovum) or never made it past 6w, they only saw an empty sac. It was so devastating to leave the clinic without photos like all the other moms... I then miscarried naturally at week 12.

Firstly, you are not alone. This is not uncommon. I can't remember if its 1/4 pregnancies or 1/4 women, but many others go through this too. I know 9 women personally (incl. myself) who miscarried in their 20s, for no discernible reason, just bad luck. Of them:
- 6 of them had a successful pregnancy within 2 years and healthy babies (incl. me - my babe is 4m!)
- 1 is now 25w pregnant and everything looks good.
- 1 didn't want the pregnancy (accidental) and she hasn't tried for a baby since.
- Only 1 believes she's now infertile.

Also, do not blame yourself. This is usually bad luck. Let your body heal, and try again. You will have your rainbow baby soon. 🌈 Take care.
@xu%C3%A2n0496 I am so sorry. It sounds like you have a lot of love to give. I hope that once you heal you go for it again and have everything work out beautifully and perfectly. Its a huge loss. I wish you and yours love and support.
@xu%C3%A2n0496 I'm so sorry. I had a MMC almost two weeks ago with similar dates as you. It was devastating. We've been trying for over a year to conceive and it finally happened and now this. You're not alone.
@xu%C3%A2n0496 Very sorry, had the exact same experience. Missed miscarriage at 9 weeks US and baby was measuring about 7. If it’s any consolation, I was able to get pregnant again a few months later (after 2 normal periods). I actually read a few studies that were done that suggested you’re actually very fertile after a miscarriage and those subsequent pregnancies tended to have better outcomes. This has been the case for me, as I had an 8 week US and things looked good. I hope this is a little comforting and gives hope like it did me. Also here to say D&C was the best decision I made, the r/miscarriage Reddit helped me a lot with information and making that decision.