[RANT] Teacher said my child (nearly 7, M) has the emotional maturity of a 2-3 year old. Fuck her

@jaytcee This might not be popular and I've also upvoted most of the other responses, but this one really had some merit, too. My first grade teacher was AWFUL to me. I hated her, because she hated me. I was too talkative at the wrong moments and quiet at the wrong moments. I had better command of my fine motor skills than all of my classmates and a significantly higher reading level, and that irked her. She picked on me so much that I recently went to visit my kindergarten teacher, who my family stayed close with and my sister had many years after me, and HE remembered how much of an outstanding bitch this woman was to me. Over 20 years later!

But it did teach me to excel in the face of adversity, to not blindly accept authority's opinions of me, and that sometimes I'd have to go along to get along. All of those lessons I learned with my parents' guidance, of course. They framed their responses to many of my complaints that way, validating my emotions but giving me the tools to learn how to deal with it rather than run away. I was also 6. And I'm pretty sure she probably made a similar comment about I could kill her at some point about me with something (I think she was overseeing an assembly when I was in second grade and I wasn't being imperfectly still and it was like if I didn't sit still... said to another adult but within my earshot).

What your son is going through sucks. A lot. But if it irreparably damages him permanently, that's in part because you're not using this opportunity to teach him coping skills and rise above strategies. She's of course still the primary one to blame, but use it as an opportunity to build.
@bangmegafan Report her immediately! She is inappropriate and has demonstrated she can't control her emotions.....thus making it obvious that SHE has the emotional maturity of a 2 or 3 year old. God she's evil as shit.
@bangmegafan Everyone else has expressed their horror adequately enough and I second it, as well as hoping that bitch was reported, but I just wanted to tell you that this rant was exquisitely crafted. Whoresnack, dragon lady, troglodyte, rental tool are beautiful additions to my hate-lexicon.

Also if a teacher yelled that she wanted to kill my son, to me, in a conference (or anywhere really), I would have looked her straight in the eye and said, "What the fuck did you just say?" in the most demonic-Leslie-Knope way possible. I am normally pretty composed but that is WAY past the line. WAYYYYYY PAST.
@bangmegafan Wow..that's crazy.

Sonthing had a teacher kinda like that in 4th grade. She's a competent teacher, from what I can tell, but she seems to kind of be suffering from Napoleon complex (she barely stands 5 ft tall). So she yells. A lot.
@bangmegafan Everyone else has expressed adequate outrage, so I just wanted to applaud you for the Trogdor reference. However, I have a corgi named Trogdor so the connotation is a little different to me.
@bangmegafan Um, so I'm guessing you're Canadian, and I'm wondering if I even know what school you are talking about. Because you have been describing my kid's Grade 3 core English teacher.

Is she also not very bright, and really unimaginative?

My kid's teacher once told the kids they were writing essays to win a trip to Disney World, but it was a trick to get them keen on their work. My kid was devastated.

My kid sprained her ankle badly and the school had no elevators so my Mom and I went to school with her to accompany her up and down 4 flights of stairs, so I got to watch her keep fidgety boys in at recess until they'd lined up perfectly. Like, they were lined up and chatting excitedly, not loud, not rude, not violent; good kids happy to leave the basement for the playground, and listening to everyone else walk out the doors over their heads. It was so frustrating to watch and not be able to intervene...

But I'm glad I got to witness it, so I could at least agree with my daughter and commiserate with her, instead of thinking the teacher knew what she was talking about.

Seems to me it's your son's teacher who has immaturity problems.