@temesgen Wow. For our area, naps aren't mandatory for Pre-K. Since many kids gets picked up shortly after the lunch period, 1-3pm would be a horrible time slot for pre-K naps.
@katrina2017 It's a preschool/daycare. Of course, there are children napping. There are plenty of 4 year olds that still need naps. Typically, events like these aren't only for one class. They're school wide events.
@borisv Always depends on what time those openers come in. Also, many times, staff have other obligations after their work hours, like their own children , school, or second jobs. They may also be taking into consideration the fact that the majority of the children are there in the morning. At some places, children start getting picked up as early as noon.
@dalejohnson It’s a full day program, 7:30-5:30; “moving up” ceremonies for all the other classes that week are happening at 4:30. Only my kid’s class is different.
@searchingforchrist I can understand why you're frustrated. If all the others are after 4, then it may be because of the teacher not being able to be there later.
It never hurts to ask why.
@dalejohnson Unfortunately it’s not because of the teacher being unavailable—I did ask. At the very least, I wish we had more of a head’s up about the changes.
@searchingforchrist That sucks. However I’m a teacher and my two kids will always come before my students. In addition to telling admin “I can’t come this day because my child has their pre-k graduation” I would honestly tell my class and parents the exact same thing. Pre-k graduation is absolutely ridiculous but it will matter to my son if I miss it so I sure as hell will be there. (I suspect I will have a similar issue next year with my son)
@searchingforchrist ours is graduating pre-k at 10am on a work day. They also just announced last minute school is not in session that day only the ceremony. In the line of work I am in we have to request absence at least 3 months in advance. I got an email about this 1 months 5 days out and had to basically explain why I wanted to attend and would be missing work. Agree it is annoying that they don’t account for working parents, some of us either have to work or enjoy our line of work and a little consideration would be nice!
@searchingforchrist I’m a teacher. If my kid graduated at 9:30 I’d be there. I’d tell my regular students “our” last day is the day before. No big deal.
@searchingforchrist I see things like this alot, and as a mom of two, it makes me feel awful not being able to do more to help. Other then listen, and hope other moms don't feel so alone. I do hope the school does make things right and make it at a time that parents would be able to come to.
@kmdickinson There is literally no time that all parents can come. 12 hour shifts, 2nd/3rd shift, swing shift, travel requirements, multiple children with events at the same time in different schools etc.
Missing out sucks but even an 7 pm event excludes parents.
@trucker1 Honestly I work a 9-5 now (well not quite but close enough, I do 4 10s so 7-5) but used to work sporadic schedules with crazy hours, usually between 12-16 hours per shift. I missed out on a LOT more working abnormal shifts, even though Monday morning events and such weren’t typically a problem. Both suck but I’m going to give the abnormal shifts a higher suck rating. I used to almost never even have weekends off
@trucker1 Yes but if they have it scheduled at one time with notice parents can make arrangements but changing it at the last minute like this school did does exclude parents.