Preschool Graduation at 9:30am

@mozarella I work in a tiny district and start teaching my students in kindergarten. One class, I had taught since 4th grade. I was also their class advisor and grew quite close to the kids and their families (one student even babysat for me after she graduated). However, I missed their graduation since I was giving birth to my twins. I remember that I missed their graduation. The students don’t (I was even supposed to receive a rose from each student during the rose ceremony). Its okay to miss student events for your childrens’. Your kids will only have one pre k graduation. You will attend multiple high school graduations through your career. If you teach in a large school, both you and the students may forget about each other. Always go to your kids’ events without guilt.
@borisv My husband is a teacher, and yes the students are important, but I find it kind of toxic how they are expected to sacrifice their personal lives for their students.

My husband was in the hospital for something serious last fall. The doctor recommended 3 weeks off work after he was discharged, and he felt so guilty for his students he almost returned right away, which is ridiculous.

In this case, her own kid should come before her students. You wouldn't tell another parent to put a job before their kid's graduation.