Preschool Graduation at 9:30am

@berthaatijerina That falls into the can't accomidate everybody category.

For whatever reason, more than a month ago, they determined they needed to change the program. They provided ample notice for everyone to try to make the necessary adjustments. It's unfortunate that some people need more than a months notice, but it's still a reasonable notice.
@berthaatijerina Now, that's just ridiculous. Do you really think the childcare doesn't want parents there?

They communicated it in the newsletter. OP missed it. I have missed plenty in newsletters.....but it's not the schools faults that I didn't fully read.
@ishmael1969 I am aware. Unfortunately I don’t have the option of a grandparent attending, and as I mentioned in my original post, it’s my youngest, so I’m feeling particularly sentimental about her wrapping up preschool.
@searchingforchrist Ours is at 10am! They sent out a flyer a few weeks ago that had all the pertinent info…except the date!!! Had to ask. I think they schedule it during the day cause it’s easier for staffing. Can your spouse go and take video? I know it’s not the same thing but it’s something. I decided to take off work that day to attend but that’s mostly because it’s the day before we leave for vaca and I need to prep and pack.
@searchingforchrist My guess is it was an error to begin with, they make errors on the calendars sent home all the time for us. Ours is at 930 too. Drop them off at 8, come back at least you have the option to take them home early instead of coming back at 1045 haha
@searchingforchrist I had to miss my own kindergarten graduation getting tubes in my ears. I remember being completely confused what the point of preschool graduation the year before and even more confused why kindergarten had one since we were going to be in the same building for 4 more years anyway. I thought this was something I’d understand why these event exist when I was an adult with kids and my kids finishes preschool in a few weeks and I still don’t get it but I’m very grateful our district doesn’t seem to do it.
@searchingforchrist It would really be nice if they had NO “graduation” at all. It literally means nothing in the whole scheme of things. If a family wants to celebrate the milestone let them do it when it’s convenient for the family. I can understand how an absent parent would feel at a daycare graduation and it’s not right for the center to hold the event during most parent’s working hours.
@searchingforchrist I’m sorry, but I just can’t with these comments. MISS WORK. Call out. This is the easiest decision ever. It’s one day of work where nothing at all is actually going to be taught. Nothing even happens on the last day of school except goodbyes. Your students will have so many teachers in their lifetime. It’s one freaking day. Honestly I’m astonished this is even a difficult choice to make.
@beautifullystrengthened Lol. It’s big ovaries I’ve got, friend.

Also, see my edit. The original time was scheduled at 4:30, not 9:30. I’ve reached out to other parents (it’s a small class—about 12 kids) about the time switch and some didn’t realize it had been changed. So yeah, I reached out to the director to see if the time could be switched back. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
@searchingforchrist What would happen if you told work that you won’t be in until, let’s say 11:30am. I would say something along the lines of, I sincerely apologize, it’s an emergency and it could not be helped. Also, please let me know if I can be there for our team in the future in any way, they’re always there for me and I can’t say how much I appreciate that in a time like this. I’m so sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
@searchingforchrist What’s up with schools all around, changing graduation times/not announcing it properly… not giving teachers flexibility to take care or their kids… it’s all ridiculous. There should be someone in admin or something that can sub for teachers during moments like this. Sorry this happy milestone is so complicated for you.