Prepare me for the family battle...!

@bluevisual Love this tidbit about disposables! Haha, we’ve been doing full time cloth for over a year (since birth), and I had no idea disposables say you should dump poo. Thank you!

Also, fantastic answer! 100% agree with everything you said.
@beverend My family has been incredibly helpful with our little one since he was born, but I get persistent negative comments about cloth diapers, and a few other things we've chosen to do.

If you can win them over, that is best, and less stressful all around, but if you don't... just be prepared to be quietly stubborn! It is your baby, and ultimately the parenting and baby care decisions have to work to your standards, which aren't always going to be someone else's. I try and discourage the negative comments, but I'm happy with how I'm doing things, so they don't have to approve.
@beverend I showed my parents how to use the diapers we use, and also where the stash of disposables are that we typically reserve for night time. It's more important to me that whoever is changing her diaper does it properly than that they stick to my system 100%.
@beverend Once my family saw what new cloth diapers are like they where fine. I had people tell me that I would have to wash them in 5 gallon buckets and that it's to much work. Honestly if you do your research good you will be able to answer questions left and right. Prints helped my SO to cloth diaper.
@beverend I found one thing that really helped was having a SUPER CUTE modern diaper, so they can see, touch, and feel how much better they are.

Other than that, just stick to your guns. "It's something we're interested in, and are going to try." "We are interested in both the environmental and financial side of cloth diapers." "Yes, I might change my mind, but we're going to try it, and I'd appreciate if you'd respect our decision."

Though if they are anything like my MIL, who LOVES to argue, and will argue about anything, just to argue, just shut it down. "Yup, we're cloth diapering" and then don't engage any further, and just shrug and answer with one word answers until they get bored and drop it. Luckily for me, she didn't argue about cloth diapers, so I don't have any specifics for that one, but FUCKS SAKE she was on our case for MONTHS that we didn't do a daily bath. Got to the point I'd just leave the room when she brought it up (luckily it was mostly on the phone with my husband, so I'd just leave.)